IST key to economic advancement – Nnaji

The Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology (FMIST), Chief Uche Geoffery Nnaji said President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration is committed to solving Nigeria’s economy through Innovation, Science and Technology.

The Minister stated this during a press briefing on the implementation of the Presidential Executive Order No.05 on Friday in Abuja.

According to him, Executive Order No.05 is a visionary and transformative policy designed to drive innovation, promote science and technology, economic diversification, technological advancement of the nation and to promote domestic and foreign investments.

Expressing his dissatisfaction, he said that Nigeria is endowed with human and unexplored Natural resources which made it stand out as the heart of Africa.

“Despite the country’s rich endowment in natural resources, youth unemployment remains a massive challenge as the countries constantly export domestic jobs by importing products that can be produced locally.”

Nnaji further said that the Presidential Executive Order No.05 seeks to boost local production and ensure that Nigerians rely less on importation of goods. “The Presidential Executive Order No. 05 is committed to solving Nigeria’s problems through Innovation, Science and Technology thereby creating a conducive environment to nurture the innovative spirit of our youths and entrepreneurs.

“The Executive Order NO.5 will tackle the bottleneck militating against the manufacturing sector in Nigeria that will improve power supply, locally fabricated machines, and local technologies. If well harnessed, it will increase exports and boost Gross Domestic Products (GDP).”

Earlier, the Permanent Secretary FMIST Mr. James Sule, said that the Ministry will continue to collaborate with other Ministries, Agencies and Media towards the implementation of Executive Order No. 05.