IPAC scores INEC high, demands improvement on grey areas 

The Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC) in Cross River state  has said the conduct and result of the February 25 Presidential and National Assembly elections indicated the polls were relatively free, fair and credible in the state.

It however enjoined the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to improve on any observed grey areas so as to have near excellent outing during the governorship and state House of Assemblies elections of March 11, 2023.

The state chairman of IPAC, Comrade Anthony Bissong Attah, in a press conference in Calabar, weekend, disclosed that immediately after the elections, the council held several meetings to x-ray the processes and outcome of the elections.

He said: “We want to tell the world that we adjudged the election free, fair and credible in Cross River state.”

The IPAC chair said the INEC tried its best in the state, adding that unlike some states where there were reported hitches especially on timely arrival of election materials, violence and intimidations of voters, such was not the case in Cross River.

Attah also commended the people of Cross River for trooping out en-mass to cast their votes and congratulated winners of the election across all political divides.