IPAC gives INEC ultimatum to de-register APC

Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has been given ultimatum to de-register the All Progressives Congress (APC) or face court action.
Given this ultimatum yesterday, Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC) said that failure to abide by the position of the body would not augur well for INEC.
Addressing journalists in Abuja, Chairman of the Anambra State chapter of IPAC, Chief Ken Emeakayi, said the APC had breached several sections of the Constitution and the Electoral Act.

The chairman also accused the opposition party of breaching the IPAC Code of Conduct, over heating the polity and consistently attacking President Goodluck Jonathan, some members of his cabinet and the National Publicity Secretary of PDP, Chief Olisa Metuh.
“What APC is doing is an infraction of the code and by attacking these people, especially Metuh, who is from Anambra state,” he said.
“We demand an apology from the party (APC) or they de-link themselves from such sponsored and orchestrated attacks. We are not holding forth for any political, but if any other party should do what APC is doing now, we shall not hesitate to call such a party to order,” he added.