Iorfa demands genuine reconciliation from NFF president

Presidential candidate in the just-concluded NFF elections, Dominic Iorfa, has said he is yet to fully reconcile with the newly elected NFF president, Amaju Pinnick, just as he charged him to be sincere in his efforts to reconcile all aggrieved stakeholders.
Although Iorfa has publicly refused to recognise the election of Pinnick, he is one of the aggrieved members who have met with the new NFF president, who is on aggressive reconciliation drive.
Iorfa said he accepted to bury the hatchet and honour Pinnick’s invitation because he has the interest of Nigerians and Nigerian football at heart even though the entire stakeholders have one issue or the other about the elections as candidates were harassed and some even prevented by security operatives from attending the elections and or disqualified on the floor of the elections as it happened to Shehu Dikko and other candidates just to give undue advantage to Pinnick.
Iorfa also said he is always willing to make any sacrifice for Nigerian football because he has spent all his life in football and one day, his son (Dominic Iorfa Jnr) who is a professional football player in England, may come home to play for Nigeria.
He, however, warned that if Pinnick reneges on the promises he is presently making to stakeholders that he is trying to appease, he would have a big problem on his hands.
“It is true I was invited for a meeting by Pinnick. We met in Abuja on Tuesday where we had some discussions on the way forward, but that is not to say we have resolved our differences”, Iorfa said.
“We are still discussing and I want to advise him to work for genuine reconciliation. He should not say one thing today and do another tomorrow. If he does that, he would face the music.
“I honoured his invitation because he has recognised my worth. So people may not like me because I always speak my mind, but nobody can deny the fact that I have paid my dues in football locally and internationally.”