IOM, UN donate food, materials to Benue IDPs, seek more partnership 

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Wednesday called for more collaboration and cooperation between the Benue state government and the development partners for effective and efficient handling of the humanitarian crises in the state.

IOM also donated essential household materials to the over 2 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Benue state.

The items donated include mattresses, gallons, blankets, mosquito nets, cooking utensils, buckets, among others.

The Chief of Mission, Mr Laurent De Boeck of International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Nigeria performed the ceremony at Ichuwa IDPs camp in North Bank, Makurdi, the Benue state capital.

Mr De Boeck said the non-food items were to support the IDPs who are still in the camps while the state  government and development partners execute the durable solutions.

He said the delegation also included members of the North -East Ambassadors Group, UN Delegation all headed by the  IOM Chief of Mission, Mr De Boeck.

He commended the state government for the work done so far and urged them to redouble their efforts to actualise the identified durable solutions.

Also, the United Nations donated 2,000 prepared sets of dignity kits to preserve the dignity of women and girls while in the camps.

Dr Matthew Onoja, Humanitarian/SRH Analyst UNFPA, while making the UN presentation said all women irrespective of wherever they may be, needed their dignity intact.

Earlier, Gov Hyacinth Alia, while receiving the team led by Chief of Mission, De Boeck, said the state government would  Thursday launch the Rapid Response Fund, an initiative made possible through the collaboration of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (USAID-BHA).

Represented by his deputy, Barr Sam Ode, Alia said, “your presence in the State  representing Ambassadors, High Commissioners, heads of international financing institutions, the United Nations, and other international bodies, underscores your unwavering commitment to the security, stabilization, and development of Benue State.”