Insurgency: Blame Amnesty for recent attacks – CSO

By EneOsang

A Human rights advocacy group, Africa Arise for Change Network has said the recent report by Amnesty International (AI) that accused security operatives of extra judicial killings has inspired the terrorists to continue to engage in their atrocity against innocent people.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja, Executive Director of the group, Okoli Stella said the international body should be held responsible for any further unrest in the country as the organization’s attempt to blackmail the Nigerian security agencies has further incited citizens against the state.
He said “it is not surprising that an already defeated Boko Haram terrorists have resurfaced and escalated its attack coinciding with the release of the amnesty report.

“The recent attacks being launched on military positions by Boko Haram vindicate our position as a civil society that Amnesty International is out to embolden terrorists to attack the Nigerian state and its citizenry.
“What Nigeria requires at the moment is a permanent solution to the humanitarian crisis fueled by the likes of Amnesty International in the north east of the country.”
Stella maintained that Amnesty reports attempts to protect violent groups like IMN, IPOB, MASSOB, armed robbers as well as Boko Haram terrorists.

She added that the reports by AI are meant to incite the citizens against themselves in the hope that Nigeria can through this process become a failed state or a nation in intractable crisis.
She said: “The world’s most deadly terrorist group that has displaced millions of people, killed several thousands and destroyed an entire region. These terrorists abduct and rape children who they then sell off as child-brides while converting the males into child-fighters.

“The group’s original goal was to deny all other Nigerians the right to freedom of religion through the forced implementation of Sharia across board. Amnesty International is campaigning for the killers in this group to be invited for talks over sumptuous lunch as pre-condition to issue a certificate that they have been treated humanely.
“The Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), a fanatical militarized Islamic group that the Kaduna state government had to outlaw after its violent confrontation with the military left several persons dead, also enjoys the patronage of Amnesty International.”

She, however, said Nigerians would not hesitate to adopt home grown solutions to salvage the situation “if the world chooses to believe a compromised entity like Amnesty International over brave people that toil and sacrifice daily to correct the mess created from abroad.”