Insecurity: Gov Dauda urges Zamfara residents to pray for peace

The Zamfara state governor, Dauda Lawal, has urged the people of the state to intensify prayers for the return of peace in the state and the country at large.

He made the call at a statewide broadcast Sunday on Eid-el-kabir festival.

He said Zamfara state is among states that were facing serious security challenges to armed bandits activities in the North-west for over a decade, hence the need for constant prayers by the good people of the state regardless of their faith for peace to thrive.

He further stated that his administration will work hand- in- hand with the federal government to mitigate insurgency in the state through kinetic approach, adding that he will not condone any peace dialogue process with terrorists in the state.

“We are going to map out all mechanisms through synergy with security agencies to fight against terrorists in the state and I will never accept peace negotiation process with terrorists in my state,” he said.

He also reiterated his administration’s determination to ensure the well-being of the people of the state.

“We were all aware about current economic hardship and we are doing our best to provide basic necessity of lives to our people to cushion it,” he said.