Incompatibility: Court dissolves 6-year-old marriage

A Grade I Area Court in Kubwa, Abuja, Thursday dissolved a six-year-old marriage between Rahimat Muhammad and Lawal, on grounds of incompatibility.

Muhammad, who resides in Kubwa, Abuja, had prayed the court to dissolve her marriage to Lawal, on grounds of incompatibility and lack of love in the union.

She said she married Lawal in 2014, under Islamic Law and they have four-year-old daughter.

The petitioner told the court that she could no longer take care of the respondent the way Islam permits her to and urged the court to grant her prayer.

The respondent, a civil servant, however, said he had thought about it and agreed for her request to be granted.

He further said that Muhammad promised to bring his daughter to court for him to see her before travelling, because he works in Kogi state and was about to return.

He said the petitioner did not fulfill her promise, saying that the court did not ask her to do so.

The respondent pleaded with the court to order the petitioner allow him see his daughter before travelling adding that he was not interested in collecting the bride price of N15, 000.

Presiding judge, Mr Muhammad Adamu, dissolved the marriage and ordered the petitioner to observe “Iddah” which is a waiting period to observe her three month menstrual cycle before contracting another marriage.

Adamu said the respondent still had a right over the petitioner during the Iddah period saying that if she is seen with a man at this time, she can be charged for enticement.

He also ordered the petitioner to allow the respondent see his daughter before he returns to work.