IMT holds convocation after 10 years



Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu, Saturday held her convocation, ten years after the last convocation was held on 12th May, 2007.

The ceremony which was tagged 32nd – 42nd consolidated convocation ceremony and 45th Anniversary/Home coming was held at the Michael Okpara Square, Enugu.

Enugu state Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi in his address, stated that his administration declared its intention to take IMT to a high level and to restore it to its status as the leading centre for qualitative
education and technological innovations.

Ugwuanyi who was represented by his deputy, Cecelia Ezeilo disclosed that the state government has endeavoured to provide the vitalninfrastructural facilities needed for the development of the
institute, ensure the accreditation of its courses, secure industrial harmony and also set in motion processes and machinery to achieve the upgrading of the institution to a degree awarding institute.

The governor promised to work with ministries and government agencies to continue to support the institution to keep the flag flying higher.

He commended the management board, governing board and the students for keeping faith with the mandate and ensuring that the institution sustains the momentum of advancement which it has made in recent time.

“We have indeed gathered here today to celebrate a great and historic institution that has conquered many odds to remain one of the foremost centres for man power technological development in the country.

“Early in the inception of this administration in Enugu state, we declared our plans to take IMT to a much higher level and restore its status as the leading institution for better education, “he said.

Speaking at the event, the Rector of the Institute, Prof. Augustine Nweze commended Governor Ugwuanyi for his financial support to restore the status of the IMT.

Nweze disclosed why the management of the IMT is happy because the last convocation ceremony was held on May 12, 2007.

“The last convocation ceremony was held on May 12, 2007. This explains why we are grateful to God for making today a reality. We also thank
our Visitor, Gov Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, for all the support, financial and otherwise towards the realization of this dream.

“Today is a special day in the lives of our students, their families and for all of us at this Institute. We take pleasure in celebrating the success of our students, and we wish them well as they move on to
the next stage of their lives.

“For a successful studentship and to be worthy to be awarded the diplomas and certificates of the IMT, Enugu, the student must be able to fly on two wings: the moral and the intellectual”, Prof. Nweze