Imo community sets Jan 2024 to abrogate Osu caste system, other harmful cultural practices

Amurie Omanze, an ancient community in Isu Local Government Area of Imo state has finally set Thursday January 4th, 2024 as a date for the historical abrogation of all forms of obnoxious cultural practices such as OSU, Ohu, Ume and Diala caste systems in the entire community.

HRH Eze C.O Nnajiemere, (Eze Udo II of Amurie Omanze) who disclosed this while addressing his subjects in his Palace recently, said it was made possible due to frontline roles of Pillars of Hope Initiative (POHAI), National Human Rights Commission, Ga’nairu Family Foundation (GFF) and Kemdi Chino Opara Foundation KCOF played through persistent advocacy.

Eze Nnajiemere lamented that for the past three years, the community has been dragged into unnecessary conflicts and skirmishes on whether to abrogate these discriminatory cultural inhibitions.
He also recalled that the community on their own in August 14th, 2020 at his Palace of Peace initiated, constituted and inaugurated an Abolition Committee in conjunction with the Eze-in-council ably led by Chief Nze Obinna Greg Madu of the blessed memory who was as at then the cabinet chairman.

Eze Nnajiemere pointed out that the decision was taken in total agreement with all the village heads, kindred chairmen and their executives, all the Town Union Exco members, Ndi Nze na Ozo, Town Union women wing, all the religious heads/clergy in the community, Youth wing of all the villages in Amurie Omanze, Abroad union representatives and other dignitaries from the community were witnesses to the historic resolution.

He said they all signed the abrogation document which empowered the Committee to take off with the task.
The revered Royal Father further informed that the members of the Committee were previously drawn as three (3) persons from each of the five(5) villages in Amurie Omanze which included Oboro and Bro.

He disclosed that Boniface Osunwa (Bontec) from Ndiuhu was made the Chairman while Comrade Charles Chukwu from Amaeze was appointed to be the Secretary, even as they were allowed to co-opt some stakeholders who volunteered to be part of the success story.
According to him, “however, an originating document detailing the decisions of the Eze, Eze-in-council, Ndi Nze na Ozo, the President General (PG) and the village heads in agreement to abrogate, abolish the obnoxious caste system which they described as very reprehensible, barbaric and absurd as well as the terms of reference to the Committee was duly signed by all concerned.

“The Committee went into full action with groups, individuals and village to village consultation/awareness Campaign, prompting them to painstakingly make a comprehensive, well detailed and articulate report to the Palace and also made recommendations on the need for the community to adopt the recommendation for the Abolition” he said.

The traditional ruler observed that the report/recommendations which he said is still available went through critical scrutiny and review by the Palace, thus, after the several reviews, the document was unanimously passed and adopted as a working document and thereon they directed the committee to proceed with the document as their working tool.

Also, a resident, Bro. Boniface Osunwa (Bontec)said It was on the strength of this that Eze Nnajiemere publicly pronounced that henceforth all forms of caste System will have to be totally abrogated and thereby leaving the community free of any of such practices and stigma associated with that.

Collaborating what Bontec said Comrade, Charles Chukwu revealed that the traditional ruler, directed that the document be shared to every village and that was done through the President General instantly. The Eze also advised all the leaders present to take the decision of the palace to their various villages.

The community leader observed that after all the above activities; series of strategic meetings were held on this program through the palace.
Eze Nnajiemere expressed gratitude that the involvement of the NHRC, POHAI, Ga’ nairu Family Foundation (GFF) and KCOF was another booster to the struggle because at a point it became like a trojan war. Most of the committee members began to withdraw their involvement but few of those who believed in the project stood firm with the help of NHRC, POHAI, Ga’ nairu Family Foundation(GFF) and KCOF.
According to the Royal Father, “as of today, a date has been slated for the public pronouncement of the abrogation of the obnoxious caste system (Osu/Ume/Ohu/Diala). The abrogation event will take place 4th January, 2024.
“To be candid, the stipulation and eventual acceptance of a set date for the abrogation of all forms of caste system in Amurie is and still a mystery that only the spiritually minded can decipher. However, the call for brochure subscription, donations and other activities to herald the 4th January, 2024 abrogation event are currently ongoing. Recall that the committee in their report christened 4th January as “AMURIE UNITY DAY” and shall continue to be a date that will be set aside to commemorate the birth of a new era in Amurie Omanze ancient kingdom.

Responding, the Executive Director of Pillars of Hope Africa Initiative, POHAI, a nongovernmental organization informed that her organisation, POHAI and National Human Rights Commission, NHRC, Ga’ nairu Family Foundation (GFF) and KCOFMrs. Chinyere Marvelous Oge Kalu said they have had plethora of meetings and engagements with Eze Udo II, his cabinet, PG, the Abolition Committee and Eze Duruoha of Oboro on the abolition programmes and on the way forward.

Mrs Kalu pointed out that the last but not the least was the town hall meeting at community school, Amurie Omanze last Sunday 10th day December, 2023 with the community leaders of the duo communities (Oboro Amurie and Amurie Omanze) and brief interactive sessions at Eze Udo II palace with Eze Duruoha and Eze Dr Godwin Ejiogu Kara 1 of Umuna Kara ( Royal Ambassador Pillars of Hope Africa Initiative POHAI) with members of the Abolition Committee.

She also sounded a note of warning to those who will think that they are above the law, and also made it clear that 4th January, 2024 is sacrosanct to the National Human Rights Commission NHRC and POHAI, Ga’ nairu Family Foundation (GFF) and KCOF.

According to the Executive Director, “the POHAI, NHRC, Ga’nairu Family Foundation (GFF) and KCOF have also had the privileges of conducting interviews with Eze Udo II, PG and the Abolition Committee at the palace. The radio/social media jingle for the event has been produced by POHAI” she said.