IBEDC to customers: Refrain from energy theft, tampering with electrical installations

The management of Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) Plc Sunday appealed to its customers to refrain from engaging in energy theft.

IBEDC made the appeal in a statement in Ibadan by the acting managing director, Francis Agoha, to felicitate with Muslims on the Eid- el-kabir celebrations.

He also warned against tampering with electrical installations, stating that the dangers of such actions can lead to severe electrical accidents.

He pointed out that energy theft contradicts Eid-el-kabir’s spirit of honesty and sacrifice and as well a criminal offence that undermines the quality of service for all customers.

“Refrain from engaging in energy theft, as it contradicts Eid-el-kabir’s spirit of honesty and sacrifice. Energy theft is a criminal offence that undermines the quality of service for all customers,” he said.

The IBEDC acting managing director, while restating the company’s dedication to providing quality service within the remit of its control, even during holidays, assures customers that technical teams are committed to promptly resolving faults that may occur during this period.