IATA, others partner to promote quality, safety in aviation fueling

Th e International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Joint Inspection Group (JIG), and Airlines for America (A4A) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen and promote safety and quality assurance in global aviation fueling activities. “Maintaining the quality of the aviation fuel supply and the supporting infrastructure and operations is vital to the safe and effi cient functioning of the air transport industry. Th is MoU, covering all airport fuel storage and handling, puts forward an industry-level programme for application of standards and a single global reference for airline inspections. Th is is a great step forward in further promoting global safety and effi ciency,” said IATA’s director for global airp

ort infrastructure and fuel, Hemant Mistry, Th rough the programme IATA, JIG and A4A will seek to encourage the gradual standardization of aviation fuel processes by facilitating compliance with current industry standards and best practices, and by establishing high quality common inspection processes to ensure that the aviation fuel is delivered clean, dry and on-specifi cation. Th is is expected to facilitate a reduction in the number of required inspections at a given location, while increasing the scope of coverage across the globe and the reduction of cost.

“JIG’s vision is to work with industry partners to establish and enhance standards for the safe handling and quality control of aviation fuels globally. By partnering with IATA and A4A we will be able to more eff ectively support the industry by strengthening the implementation of our standards and providing a framework for the development of an industry Quality Assurance Scheme. Th is will form the foundation of a global inspection process that is supported by airlines,” said the chairman of the JIG council, John Buxton. A key goal for the aviation industry is alignment of standards and best practices across diff erent regions.

Th e three organizations have agreed to work together to eliminate regional variations in this regard. “A4A is committed to ensuring that the quality of its members’ fuel is safeguarded throughout the supply chain—from the refi nery to when it is delivered into the aircraft. Th e MoU with IATA and JIG will help achieve this. We are delighted to be expanding our partnerships in this area and work towards eliminating regional variations in standards in fueling,” said director fuel services and technical standards, A4A, Amy Carico

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