Fatima Isah Muhammad popularly known as Fatima Teema Yola joined Kannywood about seven years ago but only came to limelight when she featured in Ali Nuhu’s hit movie, Mansoor, she insists instantly opened many doors of opportunities for her. In this interview with Aliyu Asikra, the beautiful Fulani actress speaks on her experience in the industry among others.
What is your background before joining Kannywood?
I am from Yola, Adamawa state. I had my primary and secondary school education in Yola, before proceeding to Maiduguri in Borno state, where I obtained a Diploma in Arabic.
Some people call you Fatima Isah Yola, others Fatima Teema Yola and more recently Hajiya Mansoor, what actually is your name?
I am Fatima Isah Yola from Adamawa state, I am also known as Fatima Teema Yola, as for Hajiya Mansoor, some people decided to give me the new name because of the role I played in Ali Nuhu’s new film, Mansoor.
My role in the film impressed many people that they decided to now identify me with the character I played, a house wife, actually, as wife of Baba Karami and both of us adopted Umar Sherrif who featured in Mansoor as the lead actor.
Have you ever been married?
Yes, I was married before. In fact, I have two children but this does not mean that you should advertise it to drive away those who want to marry me.
I am still at my peak, I am successful in life, I am deeply religious and beautiful, so you can see that I am still full of life and anytime from now, if I get somebody that will marry me and take very good care of me, I will grab the opportunity.
If he allows me to continue with my profession, I will continue as a producer but if he want to keep me at home as a house wife only, I will still accept it, that is if he is sincere and I also love him sincerely. I am already used to Kannywood that I am not eager to leave it so easily.
How come it took you seven years to come to limelight? Is it that you refused to compromise?
Well, God’s time is the best I suffered seriously before I reached where I am today. I featured in many films but some producers after working for them, they will refuse to pay me. Some will pay half of the agreed fee.
There is one producer that I will never forget because during shooting I was even bitten by a scorpion but the guy ended up not paying me even a kobo. This still pains me a lot.
You see when Mansoor was premiered at Film House Ado Bayero Mall, recently, I shed tears of happiness because I was almost mobbed by fans.
Many people insisted to collect my number or take photographs with me. This is something that has never happened to me throughout my seven years in industry.
Some people say you are arrogant, is it true?
I am not arrogant but I don’t tolerate rubbish. If you respect me, I will respect you, if you mess me up, I will mess you up. If you did not respect yourself, I won’t respect you.
I thank God that he created me as a Muslim, and gave me all the qualities that a lady will want to have as a woman. Even by nature, a woman is not supposed to be cheap, if you come to me and say you like me, even if I like you, of course as a lady, I must do shakara or yanga before I accept you.
But along the line, if you are not patient enough to capture my heart, then you are as good as a missed call.
Do you have people you look up to in Kannywood and can you act in Nollywood?
I have good command of the English Language, as such, I can act in any English film but it depends on the role that will be given to me.
I watch Nollywood films a lot and there are roles that I cannot play even for millions.
As for those I admire in Kannywood, honestly, they are so many I can only mention only few of them and if I forget the names of those close to me, they may not be happy. So, I can only say that I love all of them or admire them if the word love will be misinterpreted by some people.
So, what is your ultimate ambition in Kannywood?
Well, I am already a celebrity and all I want is to continue recording successes in my career. But as a woman, I have time limit, that is why I will not mind to settle down very soon if Mr. Right comes my way.
As a Muslim I want to marry and have more children and take care of my husband and generally enjoy myself as a married woman.
I have visited many places in Nigeria, I was opportune to meet many people because I am a celebrity in Kannywood. I have visited the Holy Land, I mean I have performed Hajj more than once.
Generally, I am grateful to Allah, to my colleagues and to my fans. Please they should continue to support me so that I will be their ambassador in Kannywood.