How PDP can be a formidable party 

The recent call by a former deputy national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Chief Olabode George, and many other influential members of the party as well as analysts, asking members and critical stakeholders of the party to bury their differences and work together can only be achieved if the party doesn’t give defectors any chance to return in order to achieve their inordinate ambition.

The great party, no doubt, has the  opportunity to make a comeback in 2027 if it puts its act together because Nigerians are anxiously waiting to bring the party back to the corridors of power at all levels of government. Therefore, the reconciliation process set in motion by the party before the August 2024 convention would go a long way in making PDP formidable to go into the 2027 presidential election with full force and even capture the soul of the nation.

There is no denying the fact that PDP is the only strong political party that has built bridges across the country with strong followership. The party is not a configuration of strange bed fellows like the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC. But it is incumbent on the party not to listen and open its doors to those who defected and may stage a comeback if they fall to get what they want. Let the party lay emphasis on those who have remained loyal to it and have never defected since its formation in 1998.

Returnee defectors, if given the ticket of the party, may sooner than later defect again from the party. Consideration should be given to those who made sacrifices to the party and have never defected to any other party.

The greatest problem of the PDP is giving the ticket its to those who don’t believe in its ideology, but see the party is a leeway to fulfill their selfish ambition of becoming governors, senators, House of Representatives members and state legislators.

Allowing unprincipled politicians to make a comeback to the PDP will spell doom for the party.

The party needs to rejig and purge itself of the remnants of unprincipled politicians, whose stock in trade is using its platform to seek elective offices only. Almost half of the stalwarts of the ruling party are members of the PDP but defected when it was defeated in the 2014 elections with former head of state General Muhammadu Buhari coasting home to victory against the then President Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP.

Allowing disgruntled elements with questionable character into the party as we approach 2027 will be disastrous for the party in reclaiming power. Members of PDP should remain steadfast and loyal to the party.

That is why a substantive chairman needs to be elected to turn around the fortunes of PDP to be strong to act as the main opposition party as well as be in a position to win elections again in 2027. As former Governor Gabriel Suswan of Benue state said, “Unless there is an overhaul of its leadership, PDP will go nowhere because the current leadership has lost focus”.

Regrettably, the party is in a state of perpetual discord with various factions in some states embroiled in legal battles thereby undermining its ability to effectively serve the interest of the people where the party won elections like Rivers state.

If PDP can put its act together, there is no doubt, that it will give the ruling APC a run for its money in the 2027 general elections.

Usman Garba Santuraki,

No 2, Santuraki Close, Demsawo

Jimeta, Yola, Adamawa state


[email protected]