How 691m people globally live on less than $2.15 – World Bank

The World Bank estimates that691 million people globally live on less than $2.15.

The global lending institution stated that as global temperatures continue to rise, leading to worse living conditions for millions of people worldwide, the poorest are the most vulnerable and will be the most severely impacted.

In its subnational data report, the Bank noted that a one-degree increase in temperature leads to a 9.1 percent increase in extreme poverty and a 0.8 percent increase in inequality.

The Washington based lender estimates that between 32 million and 132 million people worldwide are likely to fall into poverty by 2030 due to climate change.

“Yet, poor countries and poor people contribute the least to global warming. By comparing countries’ emissions with their extreme poverty rates, we can see the disconnect between the global extreme poor and the countries behind the highest levels of emissions.  

“Yet all countries, whether they are high-income or low-income, countries, which tend to be the highest emitters, have largely eliminated extreme poverty and face a future that requires less carbon intensive growth and a quicker path towards net-zero emissions,” the report said.