Hon. Godwin Offiono: Personality of the year

It is no easy task for a personality of the year to be chosen out of a bevy of political leaders,seasoned technocrats,eminent statesmen or corporate titans many are duly qualified for that appellation as a result of their immeasurable contribution to the growth, stability and progress of the Nigerian society in all positive ramifications.

However, out of many,one must be chosen and the criteria utilised for the selection is the time-worn ethos of Character, Integrity, Hardwork, Principle, Competence and Humilty which Hon (Barr) Godwin Offiono Esq, the federal lawmaker who bagged the auspicious honour of Personality Of The Year 2023 possesses in abundance given the fact that he is one political leader who can be taken literally for his words.

Hon Godwin Offiono’s words as the proverbial saying goes can be taken to the bank, he means what he says and he stands by his words come rain,come shine. The prolific legal luminary who has paid his dues in the Nigerian Bar as a Principal Partner, Offiono and Offiono Chambers, is not known for careless talk or idle chatter as is common with some in the political class but once he speaks,he resonates with clear authority,clarity, brevity and matchless lucidity.

His statements on policy issues and crucial matters of the day are geared towards illuminating, dissecting and resolving complex and contentious issues of national, regional and international implications.

Having ridden on a crest of mass appeal and popular acclamation to clinch the coveted House of Representatives seat for Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency in the 2023 National Assembly elections, Hon Godwin Offiono has moved decisively to impart his unique vision of political leadership and legislative stewardship in order to deliver on his mandate to his beloved people.

Crucially, Hon Offiono who is Chairman House Commitee on Police Institutions has signposted his consensus-driven approach which places great score on extensive consultation and intensive deliberation on issues and matters that directly impacts on the welfare and well-being of his constituents.

He has taken the bull decisively by the horns in fashioning a range of policies, programs and initiatives geared towards the enlightenment,empowerment and emancipation of the women, youths, students, artisans, traders,the indigent,the physically challenged, the widows and other vital sections of the society.
Young, handsome, affable, refined, ably composed and well comported, Hon Godwin Offiono is highly regarded and widely admired throughout the National Assembly landscape as a result of his strength of character, force of conviction, sincerity of purpose and fervent commitment to principle and rectitude in all his private and official activities.

The legislative paragon has led inexorably by example and not by precept; many of his peers and subordinates have in due time emulated his laudable character disposition which borders on trust, integrity and steadfastness. At every point in time, you know where you stand with the erudite federal legislator, he is forthright, confident, unassuming, charismatic and compassionate in all material particulars. Indeed his singular purpose of wading into partisan politics is to uplift the welfare and well-being of his hardworking people and thus Hon Godwin Offiono relentlessly burns the midnight oil and networks incessantly to fashion out the most practicable means of delivering crucial dividends of democracy to them.

With his landslide victory in the 2023 polls, dismantling a coterie of opponents who scampered for safety, Hon Godwin Offiono is reaching out to key federal agencies notably the Sustainable Development Goals Office,the Federal Ministry of Works & Housing, Education,Water Resources, Universal Basic Education Commission,National Directorate of Employment (NDE) and other crucial MDAs in other to garner pivotal road projects, construction and rehabilitation of primary and secondary classroom blocks, hospitals and health centres, provision of 500KVA transformers, water borehole projects as well as employment opportunities for his constituents in the federal establishments and the security agencies.

Also included in this list is the training of women and youths in numerous skills acquisition schemes and vocational occupations.

A benevolent Hon Godwin Offiono has initiated the payment of WAEC, NECO and JAMB registration forms for thousands of students in his constituency as well as providing foodstuffs,provisions and monetary grants for women, youths,widows,the infirm,the indigent,the physically challenged and other vulnerable members of society. From far and near, Hon Godwin Offiono’s private and official residences are a mecca for countless citizens,youths,professionals,artisans,market women, political activists and persons from all works of life keen on benefiting from the the dynamic lawmaker’s deep well of wisdom.
An astute parliamentarian, Hon Godwin Offiono has been of high moral standing,very vibrant and productive on the floor of the House all through this legislative dispensation. He has contributed substantially on national issues and has indeed positioned himself through sheer determination and confidence in the Green Chamber where he argues the cause of his people and thereby renders dividends of democracy to his constituency.
In the vital areas of lawmaking, representation and oversight functions ,a highly resourceful Hon Offiono has made his mark as a force for stability and order in the House and his mature counsel, timely and sincere advice as well as his unshakable integrity and honour has brought him in good stead with the leadership and membership of the National Assembly.

One of the pivotal motions moved by Hon Offiono has urged the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) hierarchy not to de-establish the NAF Forward Operations Base (FOB) in Ogoja, Cross River State but rather equip,fund and provide enhanced logistics for the FOB in order for it to tackle latent and potent security threats particularly from nearby Ambazonian (Cameroun) and Biafran (Southeast) separatist movements.

One of the reasons for the extremely high regard in which Hon Godwin Offiono is held among his peers is his unequalled reputation as an epitome of rectitude and integrity, a standard bearer of truth,respect and honour who does not engage in rumour or meddlesome hearsay. Indeed all these sterling character traits and dispositional ethos came in to focus when a cross-section of blue chip think tanks, influential apparatchiks, civil society groups, social affairs commentariats, public policy gurus and the media punditocracy under the aegis of the National lnterest Forum overwhelmingly and unanimously elected Hon (Barr) Godwin Offiono Esq as Personality Of The Year 2023. To God be the Glory.