HOMEF chides JTF for the destruction of seized oil tankers 

Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) has condemned the recent destruction of a vessel containing stolen crude oil, saying it is rather shocking to note that the continuous cry of pollution made by Nigerians have evaded the attention of the leadership of the Joint Task Force of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Ltd.

The Foundation in a statement weekend in Abuja said it is concerned over the disregard for the environment and human lives considering the manner the vessel was destroyed with no attempt to comply with international best practice.

It said the incident also confirmed the fact that Nigeria does not know the amount of crude oil that leaves the shores of the country on a daily basis and that the authorities care little about their safety and that of the environment.

After setting the rogue vessel ablaze, the Joint Task Force stated that the destruction of the vessel would send a warning signal to those involved in oil theft and incentivize them to desist from it.

Executive Director of HOMEF Nnimmo Bassey noted that while the Niger Delta burns on account of gas flaring, oil spills and other forms of pollution, the burning of seized oil vessel is adding insult to injury.

“The drama that unfolded regarding the seized and bombed vessel is extremely disturbing. Destroying a vessel loaded with 800,000 barrels of crude oil should be taken as a new low in the demonstration of wastefulness on the part of those who should be watching over the nation’s resources. The entire episode requires urgent investigation. Why would anyone blow up a vessel and dump 800,000 barrels of oil into the environment?

“If that volume of crude is correct, this must be one of the largest volumes of crude oil spilled in one incident. Our security men are often seen protecting pollution such as gas flares and rotten pipelines and stripping communities of their dignity. In this incident they have demonstrated utter disregard to our constitutional right to a safe environment”. 

Bassey further noted that “One drop of crude oil contaminates 25 litres of water. Imagine what 800,000 barrels of crude oil would do. It means destruction of fisheries and of livelihoods. It also means directly poisoning our people. It is shocking and unacceptable. The entire thing seems to have been staged for some unknown purposes.

Bassey wondered why security agents would bomb a crude oil loaded vessel with Nigerians watching and filming as if they were being entertained. “Oil theft is a crime. Blowing up a vessel loaded with crude oil is a higher order of malfeasance.”

He called for training of the security forces on environmental and climate crises and said it is time for the Joint Task Force to begin to work with environmental experts.

“What has played out is sickening on many levels. Economic waste and ecological assault. Security cannot be a valid reason for blowing up the vessel. We need to know why this was done.

“Outright destruction of vessels on the high sea is not environmentally acceptable. It is time for those who are genuinely concerned about the environment to protect lives and


“HOMEF sees the destruction as barbaric and a major contribution to the ongoing pollution of our waters. The UNEP report on Ogoni environment and the recently released report on the pollution of Bayelsa State should be required reading for our security agencies, NNPC and all government agencies who should know the dangers of hydrocarbons pollution,” he said.