Help your child break thumb sucking habit

Kids Health

Thumb sucking can be a difficult habit for a child to break. Understand what you can do to help your child stop sucking his or her thumb. Here’s help encouraging your child to stop the behaviour.

Why do some children suck their thumbs?
Babies have natural rooting and sucking reflexes, which can cause them to put their thumbs or fingers into their mouths — sometimes even before birth. Because thumb sucking makes babies feel secure, some might eventually develop a habit of thumb sucking when they’re in need of soothing or going to sleep.

How long does thumb sucking usually last?
Many children stop sucking their thumbs on their own sometime during the toddler years — between ages 2 and 4. For older kids who continue to suck their thumbs, peer pressure at school usually ends the habit.
Remember, though, even a child who’s stopped sucking his or her thumb might revert to the behaviour when he or she is stressed or anxious.

When should I intervene?
Thumb sucking isn’t usually a concern until a child’s permanent teeth come in. At this point, thumb sucking might begin to affect the roof of the mouth (palate) or how the teeth line up. This is more likely to occur if a child sucks vigorously, as opposed to passively resting the thumb in his or her mouth. However, aggressive thumb sucking can cause problems in baby teeth.
The American Academy of Paediatrics says treatment is usually limited to children who continue thumb sucking after turning 5.

What can I do to encourage my child to stop thumb sucking?
You are more likely to be successful in stopping the habit if your child wants to stop and helps choose the method involved.
In some cases, paying no attention to thumb sucking is enough to stop the behaviour — especially if your child uses thumb sucking as a way to get attention. If ignoring it isn’t effective, try one of these techniques:
*.Use positive reinforcement. Praise your child or provide small rewards — such as an extra bedtime story or a trip to the park — when he or she isn’t thumb sucking. Place stickers on a calendar to record the days when your child successfully avoids thumb sucking.
*.Identify triggers. If your child sucks his or her thumb in response to stress, identify the real issue and provide comfort in other ways — such as a hug or reassuring words. You might also give your child a pillow or stuffed animal to squeeze.
*.Offer gentle reminders. If your child sucks his or her thumb without thought — rather than as a way to get your attention — gently remind him or her to stop. Don’t scold, criticise or ridicule your child. To spare embarrassment in front of others, you might alert your child to the thumb sucking with a special hand signal or other private cue.

Can the dentist help?
If you’re concerned about the effect of thumb sucking on your child’s teeth, check with the dentist. For some kids, a chat with the dentist about why it’s important to stop thumb sucking is more effective than a talk with mom or dad.
In other cases, the dentist might recommend a special mouth guard or other dental appliance that interferes with sucking.

Should I try negative reinforcement?
Rarely, some doctors recommend using unpleasant techniques, such as covering your child’s thumbnail with vinegar or another bitter substance or bandaging the thumb.