Hajj: Pray for Nigerian leaders, cleric advises pilgrims 

An Islamic cleric, Malam Hussaini Abubakar-Giro, has advised Nigerian pilgrims to pray for peace in Nigeria. 

The cleric urged the pilgrims to pray for Nigerian leaders and seek divine intervention on the nation’s lingering economic predicament.

Abubakar-Giro, a board member of Kebbi State Pilgrims Welfare Board gave the advice weekend during an enlightenment session shortly after the dawn prayer (Subh) in Makkah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The essence of the enlightenment session was to educate the pilgrims on rituals of hajj towards an acceptable hajj (Hajj Mabrur).

The cleric, who is a son to one of the famous Islamic scholars, late Sheik Abubakar Giro-Argungu, said: “We must always devote time for seeking divine intervention for God Almighty to fix our major problems of lingering insecurity as well as economic difficulties.

“We must pray for our leaders to be able to tackle these challenges. The more they tackle the challenges, the better for us.

“Since your arrival here in Saudi Arabia, you have never heard of any Imam accusing the leaders, hence the need for us all to emulate and pray for Nigerian leaders to succeed.” 

He advised the pilgrims to beg God Almighty for good both here in the world as well as the hereafter, adding that those who beg for worldly things alone were not successful.

While encouraging the pilgrims to repent to earn Allah’s favour, the cleric said nobody knew when he/she would answer the call of his/her creator. 

Abubakar-Giro also cautioned pilgrims  against mistrust, backbiting and other forms of sin to be able to scale through peacefully on the Day of Judgement (Quyama).

“Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked his companions: who is a poor (muflis)? They replied: He is somebody who has neither gold nor silver. 

“But the Prophet (SAW) replied: “Muflis in my Ummah is he who will come on the Day of Judgement with good deeds but he has cheated different people through backbiting, mistrust, deception, stealing among others.

“At the end, his deeds will be used to compensate these people he cheated and he will end up with nothing and he will be sent to hell fire.”