Hajj 2024: Ambassador Liman honoured with key of Ka’aba 

Ambassador Munnir Yusif Liman of the Kano State Pilgrims Welfare Board, has been honoured with the prestigious key of Ka’aba by the Umda of Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. 

The prestigious key was presented to Ambassador Liman during the2024 Hajj exercise, in recognition of his significant contributions and dedication to the welfare of pilgrims.

The key of Ka’ab symbolises great honour and respect, bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service and commitment to the Islamic community. The presentation of this award to Ambassador Liman underscores his unwavering efforts in supporting and facilitating the spiritual journey of pilgrims from Kano state and beyond.

Ambassador Liman, a distinguished diplomat and a dedicated Kano State Pilgrims Welfare Board member, has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth organisation and execution of Hajj operations. His leadership and vision have greatly enhanced the experiences of countless pilgrims, ensuring their safety, comfort, and spiritual fulfilment.

On behalf of the entire Kano State Pilgrims Welfare Board, the Hisba Commander of the state, Malam Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa, congratulated Ambassador Liman on this well-deserved recognition. 

According to Daurawa, “We are proud to have such a dedicated and esteemed individual as part of our team. This honour not only reflects his achievements but also highlights the collective efforts of our organization in serving the pilgrims.

“Ambassador Liman’s receipt of the Key of Ka’ab is a testament to the strong ties and cooperation between Nigeria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in promoting the values of Hajj and fostering mutual respect and understanding.”