Groups seek social justice, political advancement for women

Feminism Lab, a Non-Governmental advocacy group, has called for social justice and the political empowerment of women to foster gender equality across the country.

The group, in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nigeria, held an inter-generational dialogue in Abuja at the weekend, aimed at advancing political gender equity and promoting social justice.

Resident Representative Friedrich-Ebert-Stitung Nigeria, Leonard Oestergaard, urged women to demand for favourable gender principles that will promote social justice, noting this will create access to gender justice.

Oestergaard added that it has become incumbent on leaders, in the feminist struggle, to articulate a compelling vision of inclusive governance and gender parity, driven by structures that would give women more opportunities to occupy key policy-making positions as well as access to essential service.

This is as he noted that, being a feminist does not mean an understanding of the concept alone and a guarantee to act towards it as feminism and gender parity is more than just representation.

He said, “Gender justice is both a question of representation in government, and political spheres. It is not only about number or percentage of women in parliament, it is more than that, it is also enabling public access to services, to education which is not only a case in Nigeria but all over the world.This has to change.

“Over the years we realized that it is not necessarily skills that are lacking in the struggle for gender development but more
of the political economy that is not correct.
For we to make impact on this journey that we embark together is to create alliances, not only to work with similar people but to form an alliance or create an alliance that fights for gender and social justice.”

Also Austin Aigbe of West Africa Democracy Solidarity Network, during the panel session affirmed the need for equal representation and opportunity for gender equality.

Aigbe call for reforms that will address the issue of feminism appropriately because “each time we empower a woman without creating a place for the man we are creating disaster for the future. According to him this will create a situation where men will in the long run have no knowledge about the conversation; Feminism.”

While proffering solutions, Aigbe declared the need for affirmative action, stating “if there is no law in place, it will be extremely difficult, but by passing a single gender and equal opportunity law, this will increase participation of women in governance and that is the way to go.

Earlier, Nma Odi and Vina Adams of Feminism Lab while setting the agenda for the dialogue, reiterated that, the initiative brings together a diverse and dynamic coalition of feminists in Nigeria, including pioneering figures who have blazed trails in the movement, as well as seasoned and emerging feminists, young activists, scholars, and community leaders to discuss, understand and promote progressive feminist discourse in Nigeria.

According to the duo, the dialogue, involves a deliberate effort to pass down feminist skills and knowledge to the younger generation. reiterating, these skills include the ways in which previous generations have confronted and overcome discrimination, built resilience, and engaged in protests and activism for emancipation.

“One of the most significant aspects of this initiative is its emphasis on bridging the generational gap by bringing together feminists of all ages and backgrounds, to foster a rich environment of mutual learning and support.

“To this end, the Feminism Lab decided to host this intergenerational dialogue to interrogate the misconception and misunderstanding of feminism, connect the theory and practice of feminism especially in Nigeria which is holding today the 14th of June 2024.

“The dialogue will lay emphasis on the importance of feminism, the history of different feminist movements, and some of the most famous types of feminism and understand how continued engagement with feminist theory and practice will mitigate the challenges of misconception and misunderstanding of feminism in Nigeria.

“The inter-generational dialogue has provided us, members of FES feminism Lab opportunity to celebrate the second memorial anniversary of our late sister, Hajiya Reheemat Omoro Momodu, one of the pioneer members of Feminism Lab who has translated to higher glory on June 14, 2022 and also to celebrate her contributions in building the feminism lab, feminism and gender justice in Nigeria and Africa.”