Governor Inuwa Yahaya: Founding father of new Gombe state

Undoubtedly, Gombe state created on the 1st of October 1996, almost 27 years ago by the General Sani Abacha regime is at its social, economic, political, administrative and industrial zenith under the trailblazing Governor Muhammadu lnuwa Yahaya administration to the extent that many a historian have succinctly declared that the able DanMajen Gombe is the redoubtable Founding Father of the new Gombe State.

Such perceptive historians base their premise on the irrefutable fact that no other political leader, statesmen, patriarch or leader of thought has had such a profoundly positive influence on Gombe state as Governor Yahaya has exerted even before assuming the reins of state leadership on 29th May 2019.

Indeed as a fiscally prudent Commissioner of Finance and Economic Planning during the Danjuma Goje administration, Alhaji lnuwa Yahaya enabled the massive infrastructural projects that were undertaken then by ensuring that monies allocated for such projects were utilised properly and keeping an ever vigilant gaze on the state’s finances, income and expenditure.

In fact savvy historians in the know posit that if not for Commissioner lnuwa Yahaya’s unimpeachable integrity and impeccable rectitude in prudently managing state finances, the infrastructural and developmental exploits witnessed during the Danjuma Goje era would not have taken place. Having signed off on a thoroughly fruitful and fortitious outing as the finance czar that made things happen, Alhaji lnuwa Yahaya had another golden opportunity to do more, post May 2019 when he was sworn in as the third civilian governor of Gombe state and this time he performed more superlatively than expected spearheading another revolution in infrastructural development, socio-economic growth and progress, civil service reform, women and youth empowerment, providing adequate security,peace and stability and crucially fastracking Gombe state into the enviable league of star performing economies of the global comity of states.

Projects and programs like the Eleven Hundred Roads Network, the Muhammadu Buhari Industrial Park, the Gombe Goes Green (3G) YESSO Scheme, Gombe Safety, Traffic and Environmental Corps ( GOSTEC), the newly recusticated Dadinkowa Hydro-Electric Power Station and Gombe Water Works, the renovated Gombe State Specialist Hospital, the construction and renovation of thousands of hospitals, maternity/ health centres, primary and secondary classroom blocks and the clearing of backlogs of pension arrears owed by previous governments are all parameters that have signposted Governor lnuwa Yahaya’s remarkable stewardship in the Jewel in the Savannah.

Stretching from the Danjuma Goje administration to the present interregnum, it is fair to state that the indefatigable DanMajen Gombe has had the greatest influence far above any political leader or statesman in the socio-economic, infrastructural, administrative or industrial development of Gombe state, little wonder that a growing cadre of historians, scholars, public policy apparatchiks, blue chip think tanks, public affairs analysts, social affairs commentariats and the media punditocracy have glowingly hailed Governor Muhammadu lnuwa Yahaya as the Founding Father of the New Gombe state.

He who the cap fits let him wear it. To God be the glory.           

 …Comrade Salisu Bature a developmental historian wrote in from Dukku Gombe state