Gov. Bala, probe sale of Gamau cemetery vehicle 

I am writing to bring to the attention of Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi state a troubling matter involving Wonu Ward, Lame District, Toro local government area of Bauchi state. It has come to our notice that some unscrupulous individuals have allegedly sold the vehicle provided during the administration of Governor Ahmed Mu’azu for transporting corpses to the graveyard.

This vehicle was intended to serve the community and ease the burden of funeral arrangements for grieving families. Selling such an essential community asset is not only a betrayal of public trust but also a serious disservice to the residents of Gumau town, who relied on this vehicle for a critical purpose.

The alleged actions have caused significant outrage among community members, many of whom are now left without vital support during times of mourning. This situation undermines the integrity of public office and calls for an urgent investigation to address the issue and prevent further misuse of community resources.

Given these circumstances, we respectfully urge the governor to take immediate action by investigating the allegations, holding the culprits accountable, replacing the vehicle for the community, and implementing stricter measures to safeguard public assets against misuse in the future.

Your swift intervention in this matter will not only restore public confidence in the government but also demonstrate your commitment to the welfare of the people of Bauchi state. We are confident that, under your capable leadership, justice will prevail and the needs of the residents of Wonu Ward will be met.