God may decide to give gov’ship to my son – Jang

Plateau state Governor, Jonah David Jang, has called on the people of the state to “accept the will of God, if He decides to choose his son as the next governor of the state.”
Jang made the call yesterday at the commissioning of the ‘Emancipator Unity House’ built by the late Solomon Lar in Jos.
Jang spoke at the wake of agitation from political class of the state awaiting for him, to anoint his possible successor.
“If God decides to give the governorship to the son of Jang, let it be,” he said.
Governor Jang further called other aspirants who may likely lose the election to wait for their time and accept the will of God.
Blueprint gathered from a Government House source that Jang was possibly going to anoint his Commissioner for Justice Hon. Edward Pwajok, as his gubernatorial aspirant in the PDP.
Governorship aspirants in the state, mainly of the PDP, have been keenly waiting for Jang to unveil the result of his “God revelation” of his successor.