Future scenarios: Predicting the long-term impacts of deforestation on Nigeria’s climate and environment


Deforestation in Nigeria poses significant threats to its environment and climate stability. This analysis delves into potential future scenarios of continued deforestation, examining the long-term impacts on Nigeria’s climate, biodiversity, and socio-economic conditions. By integrating current trends and statistical data, we can project possible outcomes and underscore the urgency for sustainable interventions.

Nigeria has one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. Between 2005 and 2015, the country lost approximately 410,000 hectares of forest annually, which translates to an annual deforestation rate of about 3.5% . As of 2020, Nigeria’s forest cover had diminished to around 10 million hectares from about 17 million hectares in 1990, representing a significant loss of forested land in just three decades .

Deforestation contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. The loss of forests means the release of stored carbon, exacerbating climate change. If the current deforestation rate continues, Nigeria could see an increase in annual CO2 emissions by approximately 87 million tonnes, contributing heavily to global warming.

Forests play a critical role in regulating temperatures by providing shade and facilitating evapotranspiration. Continued deforestation could lead to a substantial increase in local temperatures. Studies predict that Nigeria might experience an average temperature rise of 2-3°C by 2050 if deforestation persists at current rates. This rise could have dire consequences for agriculture, water resources, and overall human health.

Deforestation affects the hydrological cycle, leading to changes in precipitation patterns. Forests contribute to rainfall through the process of transpiration. The removal of forests reduces this contribution, potentially leading to decreased rainfall in some regions and increased rainfall in others. This could result in more severe droughts and floods, affecting agricultural productivity and water availability. Projections indicate that areas like the Sahel region could become even more arid, while the coastal regions could face increased flooding.

Nigeria’s forests are home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Continued deforestation threatens this biodiversity, leading to habitat loss and species extinction. It is estimated that around 30% of Nigeria’s plant and animal species could face extinction in the next few decades if current deforestation trends continue . This loss would not only be a blow to biodiversity but also to ecological services that these species provide, such as pollination and pest control.

Forests help in maintaining soil structure and fertility. Deforestation leads to soil erosion, reducing the land’s agricultural potential. Additionally, the removal of trees in arid and semi-arid regions can accelerate desertification. Northern Nigeria is particularly vulnerable, with estimates suggesting that up to 60% of the region could become desertified by 2050, exacerbating food insecurity and migration pressures .

Agriculture is a mainstay of Nigeria’s economy, employing about 70% of the population. Deforestation, coupled with climate change, could drastically reduce agricultural productivity. Changes in rainfall patterns and increased temperatures can lead to crop failures and reduced yields. By 2050, Nigeria could see a 20-30% decline in staple crop production, such as maize and sorghum, if deforestation and climate change continue unchecked .

Deforestation and subsequent environmental changes can lead to health problems. Increased temperatures can result in heat-related illnesses and deaths. Changes in water availability and quality can lead to waterborne diseases. Additionally, the increase in air pollution from deforestation-related activities can exacerbate respiratory issues. By 2050, Nigeria could face significant public health challenges if deforestation and climate change are not addressed .

To prevent these dire scenarios, Nigeria must implement robust mitigation and adaptation strategies:

Effective enforcement of existing forestry laws and the implementation of new policies are crucial. This includes combating illegal logging and promoting sustainable land use practices.

Large-scale tree planting and forest restoration projects can help sequester carbon and restore ecological balance. Engaging local communities in these efforts is essential for their success.

Integrating agroforestry and sustainable farming practices can reduce the pressure on forests. This includes crop diversification, improved soil management, and the use of alternative energy sources to reduce reliance on wood fuel.

Educating and involving local communities in forest conservation efforts ensures that their needs and knowledge are incorporated into sustainable practices. Community-based forest management can be an effective approach.

Nigeria can benefit from international partnerships and funding mechanisms, such as the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) program, to support conservation and sustainable development initiatives.

The future scenarios of continued deforestation in Nigeria present a grim picture of climate instability, biodiversity loss, and socio-economic challenges. Immediate and concerted efforts are needed to address the root causes of deforestation and implement effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. By integrating policy reforms, community engagement, and sustainable practices, Nigeria can curb deforestation and contribute to global climate change mitigation efforts. The urgency of protecting Nigeria’s forests cannot be overstated, as their preservation is vital for ensuring a sustainable future for the nation and the planet.

Oladosu Adebola Oluwaseun is an environmental journalist and a Post graduate student of the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ).