Fresh bandits’ attack displaces 600 Niger villagers, 2 die in boat mishap 

No fewer than 600 villagers were weekend displaced by fresh bandit attacks in Niger state.

Also, two brothers of the same parents have been confirmed dead in a boat mishap in Kippo area of Niger state. 

The accident reportedly occurred when the fishing boat capsised on the River Kaduna. 

The director Media and Strategy, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Niger state, Habibu Wushishi, confirmed this in a press statement in Minna on Sunday. 

He said, “In a similar sad story, the ministry received report of boat mishap on the River Niger (Kippo) which consumed the lives of two fishermen (same brothers of same parents) who were on board the boat fishing at about 10pm.”

 He stated further that the cause of the mishap emanated from heavy rain fall and wind storm which occurred on the fateful day.

He said the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Niger state, also received yet another shocking and painful incidences of banditry attacks in Lanta, Tunga, Dnakau and Juweedna villages of Erena in Shiroro local government area. 

He said: “About 600 displaced persons from the villages are presently in Erena and Kuta IDP camps being profiled.”

He stated further that the attacks occurred Thursday, 20th June, 2024 at about 5:360pm, adding that, “many cattle and sheep were rustled but no case of kidnapping was reported. However, many of the houses in Lanta village were burnt down by the bandits.”