Foundation solicits Tinubu, int’l organizations’ support over humanitarian services

A Rivers State-based Non-Governmental Organisation, Port-Harcourt Owoicho-Fie Community Care Foundation, has appealed to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and international organizations to assist it in prosecuting its humanitarian services.

The Chief executive officer of the foundation, Prof. Ofaka Enokela Aaron, who spoke in an interview in Abuja on Friday, said his NGO is committed to serving humanity, saying that if his foundation gets the needed support, Nigerian masses would be better off.

“Port-Harcourt Owoicho-Fie Community Care Foundation is calling on President Bola Ahmed and the International Organizations to come to its aid to support the organization’s implementation and extend humanitarian services to the rural areas of the country.

“We hope that if the organization is assisted by the government and/or International Organizations, hunger in the land will become a thing of the past, and cases associated with criminalities will be ousted. It is not arguable that even unemployment would be reduced to the lowest level’’, he said.

Aaron, who is also the Aaronsco Technical Services Limited, said his NGO a few months ago offset part of the hospital bill of a pregnant woman who was billed N450.000.00 for a cesarean section.

“Though she was not able to afford the payment, Port-Harcourt Owoicho-Fie Community Care Foundation assisted with the little it had. This service was rendered not only to ensure mother and baby were alive but also, to retain the integrity of the family in question.

“This gave the organization a stout reason to register with a medical centre for Referral Programmes. The organization deemed it fit to affiliate with Meridian Hospital, which does not only operate domestically but also internationally’’, he said.

He reiterated that the NGO’s service is for the sick irrespective of religion and ethnicity, adding that his goal is to render help to humanity.

“Many call the organization from Abuja, Ibadan, Lagos, and across the country, complaining of hunger of which the foundation provides food for them with the little it can afford presently. It is in this regard the CEO, Port-Harcourt Owoicho-Fie Community Care Foundation has applied to different organizations for Grants due to the nature of his Foundation’s Services,’’ Aaron said.