Firm launches app to bridge gap in health sector


A firm, OneBarrow International Limited, on Wednesday, launched a ‘doctor access app’ to bridge the gap in the health sector nationwide. 

According to the firm, the app was designed to overcome geographic barriers by connecting patients with healthcare providers remotely. 

Addressing a press conference in Abuja, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of OneBarrow, Mr Yemi Ajao, said the app would break barriers related to physical mobility, transportation, and scheduling conflicts in health care delivery.

He said: “ Members of the Press, under our health equity we came up with an idoctoraccess app to bridge the gaps in healthcare delivery, providing convenient, efficient solutions and making sure everything on the web and app works well for future customers.

“The app helps overcome geographic barriers by connecting patients with healthcare providers remotely. This is especially useful for individuals in rural or underserved areas who may have limited access to healthcare facilities.

” It allows users to access healthcare services from the comfort of their own homes. This saves time and effort for patients who would otherwise need to travel long distances or wait in crowded waiting rooms.

“By providing healthcare services through a mobile app, the idoctoraccess app breaks down barriers related to physical mobility, transportation, and scheduling conflicts. This ensures that individuals with limited mobility, transportation options, or conflicting commitments can still receive timely healthcare.

“The app aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for its customers. Ensuring that everything on the web and app works well, enhances the user experience, encourages adoption, and increases user satisfaction.

 “As technology continues to advance and consumer expectations evolve, the idoctoraccess app positions itself to meet future customer demands. By leveraging technology and the digital space, the app can adapt to changing customer needs and preferences, staying relevant and competitive in the healthcare industry’’, he said.