Finidi vs Osimhen: Could Eagles’ striker have handled outburst differently?

Reigning African Footballer of the Year, Napoli and Super Eagles’ Striker, Victor Osimhen, in a recent live video, rained abuses on Nigeria’s National Coach, Finidi George, over allegations that the striker selects matches he plays for Nigeria. Could the player have handled the situation differently? PAUL OKAH asks in this report.

Rift between football coaches and players are not uncommon as many football stars are known to fall out with their coaches, either due to playing styles or their failure to adhere to instructions during matches.

However, the football fans were taken by surprise when on Saturday, June 15, the reigning African Footballer of the Year, Napoli and Super Eagles’ striker, Victor Osimhen, took to the social media to address allegations against him by the Super Eagles’ Coach, Finidi George.

In a live video, Osimhen denied reports attributed to Finidi that he selects matches he plays for Nigeria and was part of the reasons for Nigeria’s poor performances in the 2026 World Cup qualification matches.

The striker rained abuses on Super Eagles’ supporters who believe the allegation and called them unprintable names and saying he has evidence of the coach lied against him.

Osimhen’s controversial outburst still dominates discussed in some quarters with divergent views being expressed on the development, especially on whether the matter could have been handled differently.

Speaking with Blueprint Weekend, a Football Analyst, Ola Lekan, said that the Osimhen vs Finidi saga was as a result of an unverified information by an online medium and that Osimhen should have investigated the publication, instead of the outburst on social media.

He said: “There is a sequence to what led to the saga. Sahara Reporters had published a story, wherein Finidi was said to have, among others, stated that he will not beg Osimhen to play for Nigeria.”

In the story, Sahara Reporters wrote that “Finidi was quoted to have said,” meaning they may not have interviewed Finidi directly nor was the medium present anywhere Finidi said so. What a responsible and reasonable medium could have done in the circumstance was to reach out to Finidi and confirm if he truly said so.

“Even more, the medium could have reached out to credible sources in the NFF to confirm if such was said by Finidi at any of their meetings. Sahara Reporters’ story was quickly shared worldwide. One of the people that saw the story is Osimhen.

“Now, Osimhen could easily have reached the NFF President or Finidi directly to verify if the story is true or not. The rest is history.”

Also speaking with our reporter, a Football Fan, Pamela Chikere, said Osimhen went overboard with the outburst and disrespected everyone in anger.

She said: “I know what it is like to be caught in a situation where you feel maligned after giving your all, your heart to a person or project but got paid back with lack of appreciation over unverified, concocted tales.

“Restraining from an outburst or getting into a meltdown when feeling betrayed by those whom you thought should know better but judged a matter with skewed one-sidedness could be near impossible.

“While being cautious in laying blames, what I do not subscribe to is disrespect, especially where there’s a wide lacuna in age, experience, exposure and achievements between the parties involved.

“As much as I’m not exonerating Finidi, he’s not Osimhen’s mate in every regard. Hence, I would say Osimhen went overboard by being uncouth in addressing the issue. He wouldn’t dare address his club coach or situation in such a manner, no matter the accusation(s). He made a mess of what he was trying to manage. I hope his viral video doesn’t come back to haunt him tomorrow.”

Also, speaking with Blueprint Weekend, a Public Affairs Analyst, Ibrahim Bello, said that the Finidi vs Osimhen saga was diversionary on the part of NFF as Nigerians were supposed to be focused on the future of football, instead of controversies.

He said: “I once highlighted the distracting and diversionary nature of sports administration in Nigeria. Rather than investing in building teams based on the foundational principles of meritocracy and structural integrity, sports administrators often divert public attention from the core issues that plague the sector.

“The approach of Nigerian sports administrators to nurturing sports is straightforward: create controversies to overshadow the demand for constructive development.

“This tactic keeps fans preoccupied with sensationalism, rather than pushing for the necessary changes in sports administration. How is this achieved? By feeding Nigerian fans a steady diet of controversy and sensationalism, the real issues are masked. Instead of addressing foundational problems, we find ourselves engrossed in debates over Victor Osimhen’s social media outbursts (a typical move for a GEN Z) or questioning the competence of Finidi George as the Super Eagles’ coach (who, by the way, was interviewed and selected by the technical committee).

“These distractions serve to shield the main culprits from scrutiny. Nigerian fans, often in search of a scapegoat, overlook the administrators who fail to implement systematic improvements.

“So, let’s ask some crucial questions: Has there been any sign of systematic improvement in the Super Eagles’ structure? Has there been technical reports on the Super Eagles matches?

“What instruments of success have been put in place for the coaching staff? Has a playing style been developed? Instead of addressing these critical issues, fans and peers engage in divisive gossip about Osimhen and Finidi.”

Favour-seekers to blame for rift

On his part, a sports writer, Adewale Ajayi, said Finidi inadvertently made the indicting statement against Osimhen during a meeting with the NFF and that it was exacerbated by gossips and favour seekers, otherwise Osimhen would not have heard of it.

He said: “I really don’t need anyone to lecture me about Osimhen’s temperament. He is a warrior, fighter and above all, he is the most patriotic footballer I have ever seen or known.

“His passion in the green white green jersey is second to none. His hunger for success is unbelievable and he has got a big heart. That tells you how passionate this young man is when dressed in Green White Green.

“So, you will understand why he felt betrayed by comments allegedly made by Coach Finidi George, describing him as unpatriotic. Such comments will hurt any true patriot especially when you remember the sacrifices. Let’s not forget too that he claimed he called to inform the coach of his injury after visiting his doctor in Wolfsburg and also pleaded with the coach that he will like to be in camp to offer moral support to the boys at the detriment of his own comfort, which coach Finidi turned down.

“Nevertheless, there is always the need to apply caution and maintain a calm, cool and coordinated approach at all times, especially when you find yourself in that position where many now see you as their role model, mentor or icon.

“As current African footballer of the year, Osimhen ticks these boxes perfectly and has even grown to be classified as an idol to so many young footballers on the continent.

“In an attempt to unravel the mysteries surrounding that accusation purportedly made by Finidi that Osimhen and a few others pick the games that suits them and that majority of these players are not patriotic, I took time to dig deep to find out what transpired at that meeting that was held inside the conference room of the Minister of Youth and Sports.

“The Sports Minister, Senator John Enoh, had invited the NFF and Finidi to come explain Nigeria’s dismal performances in those two World Cup qualifying games against South Africa and Benin Republic and proffer solutions on the way forward.

“At some point during the deliberation, Super Eagles head coach, Finidi George, was asked to speak and he poured out his mind, without holding anything back.

“Finidi heaped the blame on his players. He was furious with the way the players responded to national call-ups which some of us complained about in the build up to these matches.

“He said that he was surprised that a few players in the team have godfathers in the NFF.

“According to him, if he tries to stamp his feet on certain behaviours in the team, some persons will remind him that the players in question belong to either a board member or a top official of the NFF.

“He said he will no longer tolerate these unpatriotic players in the national team. This was when he said a player like Osimhen could have taken the risk and come to play for Nigeria if he really wants to do so. There are also those secretariat staff that have their ears to the ground and push out this information daily to curry favours.

So, it baffles me why anyone will be surprised that Osimhen got inside information of what transpired at the meeting. He is too connected and too rich to be left in the dark.

“Now that it is established based on available facts that Finidi alleged that Osimhen and a few others are not 100% patriotic to the national cause, it is on that basis we will now judge that Instagram live video posted by Osimhen and pass a judgement thereafter.”