A renowned businessman in Kaduna, Alhaji Shu’aibu Idris Mikati, has called on the security agencies and government to urgently fish out the killers of the late Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Albani.
In a condolence message to the government of Kaduna state, the Emir of Zazzau and the family of the slain cleric, Mikati said it was unfortunate that despite the enormous amount of money being budgeted and spent annually by all tiers of government for the security of our lives and property assassinations were still rampant.
He said until the security agencies and the government began to fish out the few murderers in our midst, the growing list of unresolved murder cases will only increase.
While calling on the citizens to cooperate with government and security agencies by living in peace and harmony, he prayed to Allah to grant Albani eternal peace and rest and give the family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.