Fear grips many as explosion rocks Ebonyi community

While politicians and praise singers alike are playing politics with insecurity, suicide bombers reportedly invaded Afikpo North Local Government Area (LGA) of Ebonyi State. 
The yet-to-be-identified suicide bomber invaded Amaizu Amangballa primary school in Afikpo North Local Government Area (LGA) and detonated an explosive device on himself; after being prevented from gaining access to the school by security operatives.

As of the time of filing this report, residents were trooping to the scene, even as gory pictures and videos of the suicide bomber are presently circulating on social media. 
The incident is the first of its kind in the LGA, though widespread insecurity has been recorded in different parts of the state, especially Afikpo North LGA.

However, speaking with Blueprint, a resident, Mr Joseph Oko Nnali, said that the suicide bomber would have caused the death of innocent residents, but for the divine intervention that led to the suicide bomber killing only himself. 
He said: “Presently, the talk of Afikpo is the incident that happened this morning, involving a suicide bomber, who detonated an explosive device on himself, after not being able to reach his destination. The incident happened at Amaizu Amangballa Primary School towards noon. The gods of Afikpo didn’t allow Afikpo people to be killed by the suicide bomber.
“From all indication, the venue was not the right target as the suicide bomber was heading to the market through a track road, but triggered the bomb to explode, probably due to delay in getting to his destination. In fact, the robes he used in strapping the bomb to his body were still tied to his mutilated self before he was evacuated by policemen.

“As it is, Afikpo people are living in fear as such a thing has never happened in this town before. Who knows when the next attack will occur? Who is safe in this town? In fact, the general opinion is that suicide bombers are now everywhere in Afikpo. Markets, schools and recreation centres are now targets of attacks, so you can understand the palpable fear of the people.”

Also speaking, another resident, Michael Ewa Chukwu, said that the incident has many undertones, especially as political situation in the state has been heightened of late.
He said: “I am not a security expert, but the suicide bombing incident in Afikpo today has many meanings. Of late, the state governor has come under attacks and constant criticism since he defected from the PDP to the APC in November last year, with many alleging that the defection is the cause of insecurity in Afikpo North in particular and Ebonyi State in general.
“Could it be that the suicide bomber was brainwashed by opposition politicians to carry out the attack today; in order to discredit the Umahi Government? Who is behind the attack today? In fact, security agencies have a lot of work to do in unraveling the identity of the suicide bomber and the reason behind the attack.

“Also, remember that the Islamic School in Enohia Itim was recently searched by security agents, when allegations started flying everywhere that the centre was harbouring criminals and dangerous weapons. However, nothing incriminating was found at the school, so could this suicide bomber be used in discrediting the state government and security agents? It remains to be seen what really is going on. One thing is certain, things will never remain the same in this town as we’re now living in fear of more attacks.”