FCT: Perm sec lauds Tinubu, SDGs’ alliance for global peace 

The Permanent Secretary Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr. Olusola Adesola, Wednesday, commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration for aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for global peace and development.

Adesola stated this in Abuja during the International UN-Volunteer UN Peace Volunteers celebration and conferment of award as the UN Global Peace Diplomat.

He said, “The SDGs is a well thought out initiative to promote global peace. Look at the ministerial mandate of the President to end poverty and to promote inclusion, the anti- corruption and industrialization are in to promote peace and justice for all. This aligns with the SGDs.

“The SDGs have 17 goals which countries are encouraged to achieve, including end to hunger, promotion of peace, improvement in quality of life.

“Worthy of note is goals 16 and 17. Goal 17 has acts of promoting peaceful and inclusive society for sustainable development to provide justice for all and build a justifiable accountable and inclusive institutions across the globe.

“While goal 16 seeks to promote partnership. It calls on nations to revitalise global partnership for sustainable development.

“Just imagine how it would be if it was only l and the coordinator here to present the award.? So your presence here supports inclusivity and partnership.”

The UN-volunteers recognised and awarded Adesola as the Global Peace Diplomat for his successful years in service to the nations and humanity.

The convener of the UN -Volunteers award, Mr. Luka Jacob, noted that Adesola was being celebrated as a mentor, and supporter of Nigerians.