Fasanmi: We’ve lost a voice in the struggle for restructuring – MBF

The Middle Belt Forum (MBF) has described the recent death of Pa Ayo Fasanmi, a reputable champion of justice and progress for Nigerians, as not  only a loss to the Yoruba nation for which he gave full measure but a devastating blow to Nigeria’s ethnic nationalities engaged in the demand for restructuring for a better country founded on a true federalism.

A statement by the Forum’s national publicity secretary, Dr Isuwa Dogo, Sunday said “his participation in political emancipation of the country from British colonial powers showed Pa Fasanmi as one of the guiding lights that joined hands with other nationalists to gain political freedom.” 

“The elder statesman’s active participation in the activities of Nigeria’s socio-cultural organisations revealed the depth of commitment he had for the emancipation of Nigerians from the claws of injustice made worse by the presence of a system that has continued to render the dreams of the nation’s founding fathers impossible to realise.

“As a champion of justice and equity, Pa Fasanmi was never afraid to speak the truth to power just as he willingly collaborated and walked together with various organisations to fight for worthy causes.

“More than anything, his determination not to look back in the fight for justice made him an irrepressible voice that proved crucial in articulating many issues confronting the Nigerian nation.

“The MBF is not only pained by his  passage, but also we join others in mourning the death of a worthy nationalist whose essence was ably demonstrated in his uncommon commitment for truth and justice. Pa Fasanmi was not only an advocate of development, he grew beyond the South-west and became a national hero.

“His footprints in various fields of human endeavours and the unrivalled commitment he brought in advancing his vision set him apart as an inspirational figure for all Nigerians across socio-economic, religious and ethnic divides.

As the nation mourns the death of this colossus, the MBF is proud of the legacies Pa Fasanmi left behind. There can be no true honour for the memory of this national patriot than for Nigeria’s socio-cultural organisations to be rededicated to the pursuit of justice and equity,” the Forum stated.