Excitement as NILDS rallies UNILORIN for legislative studies 

UMAR BAYO ABDULWAHAB x-rays the partnership between the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) Abuja and the University of Ilorin, to commence legislative studies programme in the university come October 2023.

The conceptualisation

Conceived about 10 years ago, the management of the University of Ilorin under the leadership of its 11th Vice Chancellor, Prof Wahab Egbewole, SAN,  has finally activated the idea of running a course in legislative studies.

The idea muted 10 years ago, however, did not come to fruition until now when there seems to be more agitation for a vibrant legislature as catalyst for good governance in Nigeria.

Coincidentally, the birth of the new baby (Legislative Studies) is coming not at a better time than now when the institution is being headed by a Professor of Law  and (SAN).

Barring any last-minute  change, a new chapter will be opened in the academic anal of the most-sought after university in Nigeria as the institution announced plans to begin legislative studies as a new course come October this year.

Director of the newly established institute for Legislative Studies, Prof. Ibrahim Imam, had disclosed that the institute’s programmes were ready for take-off by October this year when the new academic session would begin.

Prof. Imam dropped the hint recently shortly after a committee meeting held at the institute’s temporary office located within the Faculty of Law of the University.

“We attempted to place an advert,  but our application/request was a little late because the university has already placed a postgraduate advert. But hopefully, by next academic session, we are going to start fully”, he said.

The director, who is a Professor of Public Law at the university, said  the institute is run by an independent committee with the director as the chairman.

“it is an idea conceived about ten or more years ago, and distinguished professors have worked on it, but not until recently, precisely when the new  Vice Chancellor came on board, that he established a committee to look into it and eventually, the institute was approved by the university. And most recently, we have executive approval of the curriculum for the institute, meaning that the institute is ready to start its programme”, he recalled.

His submissions were corroborated by a member of the board, Dr Azeeza  Amoloye-Adebayo of the Department of Islamic Law.

“At least, to the best of our ability, we are trying to ensure that by the next academic session that the programmes will start. So in the meantime, we are working towards serious sensitisation of the public’’, she added.

The objective

The institute, according to Imam, is for research and training of people  interested in legislative business, which includes political, developmental, and constitutional law and other aspects of knowledge as regards legislation.

“You know that legislation generally is very, very important because it determines the way the government is run. And if legislation is so bad, there is no way that it will not have an impact on the generality of the people.

“And, therefore, learning about legislation and the processes of legislation generally is very important, not only for the legislators, I mean, the National Assembly, the State Assemblies but even for the people, who need to know the nitty-gritty of legislation, starting from conceiving the idea of the problem you want to address and including the step to be taken and what to be achieved”, he said.

What to offer

Speaking further, the director said  the institute would be running four programmes and four certificate courses including a certificate of the Postgraduate Diploma in Legislative Business.

He said the programme is open to legislators, legal practitioners,  politicians, stakeholders in governance, and the university community.

NILDS to nurture varsity’s new baby

Excited by the development, Director- General NILDS  Prof. Abubakar Olanrewaju Sulaiman expressed the institute’s readiness to support the university in ensuring a smooth take-off and running of the programme.

Sulaiman, a professor of political science, pledged that NILDS would be willing to provide support and guidance to nurture the newly established UNILORIN institute for Legislative Studies.

Prof. Sulaiman stated this penultimate Monday when he led a team from NILDS on a courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor,  Prof. Egbewole, in his office.

The visit, according to Sulaiman, was to foster friendship and explore potential collaborations between the two institutions.

He said  the collaboration would further enhance the university’s capacity to conduct in-depth research and provide valuable insights into legislative and democratic processes in the country.

The former minister  of national planning expressed the belief that the partnership would also enable UNILORIN to reach even greater heights and contribute significantly to legislative studies in the country.

Ex-INEC boss lists benefits of anticipated partnership

Also in his remarks during the visit, a former Vice Chancellor Bayero University Kano, Prof Attahiru Jega, emphasised the importance of the partnership between NILDS and the University of Ilorin.

He stated that such a collaboration would greatly enhance the capabilities and impact of NILDS and the university of Ilorin.  

..Advocates strong democratic institution

Prof Jega, who is also a former chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), highlighted the challenges facing Nigeria’s democratic development, particularly, the weakness of institutions, which in turn hinders effective governance and contributes to poor governance outcomes.

He stressed the need for strong and vibrant institutions with clearly defined mandates to add value to the democratic process.

Recognising NILDS as one of the few institutions in Nigeria that continuously breaks new ground, Jega stated that the  recognition has motivated him to continue partnering with the institute.

He stressed the importance of seeking alternative avenues for collaboration, such as partnerships with universities and research-driven institutions to further enhance the value and impact of democratic processes in the country.

Egbewole mulls c’tee on  mutual benefits

Receiving the NILDS team,  Prof. Egbewole acknowledged the significance of the recognition from NILDS leadership, pledging to establish a committee to explore areas of mutual interests and develop strategies for strengthening the partnership between the two institutions.

The VC expressed  confidence that “the new relationship would lead to a fruitful synergy between UNILORIN and NILDS, resulting in substantial benefits for both institutions.”

Recognising the importance of partnership in achieving institutional growth and development, Prof. Egbewole stressed the need for UNILORIN to collaborate with institutes that could add value to the university’s academic pursuits.

Egbewole  expressed confidence in UNILORIN’s unique qualities and assured the NILDS team that once the MoU is signed, they would truly appreciate the difference that this partnership would make.

He reiterated the university’s commitment to excellence and its readiness to engage in collaborative endeavours that would elevate both parties.

The professor of Jurisprudence and International Law reiterated that “the idea of establishing the institute for Legislative Studies in the university had been on the table for approximately 10 years, but it was under his leadership that the initiative was finally activated”.