Ex-UNIPORT VC receives Ul alumni, commends efforts 

 The role of alumni associations in the development of their alma mater and the society at large topped the agenda as the former Vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt,  Professor SJS Cooley, received the president of the University of lbadan, Professor Gabriel Nyityo, in Port Harcourt. 

The event, which was the new UIAA president’s first visit to the Rivers state branch, in the words of the Rivers state chairman, Amb lsaac George, coincided with a turning point in the life of the branch. 

The Emeritus Professor SJS Cooley, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt and UI’s SUG President (1958), who turned 89 this year, noted the relevance of alumni association in the life of its members and of the alma mater. 

He commended the new Alumni President on his initiative of ensuring that state branches come on board, and urged executives at all levels to provide a conducive environment for alumni members to thrive. 

The UIAA president, Professor Nyityo, who was accompanied on the visit by the lst Assistant Secretary, Chief Uchemadu Abosi, described the UIAA as the fastest growing alumni association of a tertiary institution in Nigeria.

Rolling out achievements, such as scholarship for students, the magnificent guest house at the Alumni Centre, auditorium, the UIAA Trust Fund among others , Prof Nyityo said the UIAA was committed to positively impacting on the lives of its members, students of the university and the university at large 

UIAA lst Assistant Secretary, Chief Uchemadu Abosi urged the Rivers state branch not to rest on its oars, but to redouble efforts towards retaining its position among the leading state branches.