Embrace training, mentorship, Sake Strategies urges Nigerians 

The Human Resource Manager of Sake Strategies, Funmilayo Bamigbade has said there is the need to have selfless leaders who are willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation.

Bamigbade, who is the Human Resource Manager of Sake Strategies, a leadership consulting firm based in Lagos state spoke at the just concluded “Leadership for All ” forum organsed by her company. 

According to her, good leaders are highly required in our country today. She stressed the need to embrace constant training and mentorship in the country stating that leaders of tomorrow have already been made whether we like it or not adding that, this is why it is important to commit ourselves to training and development.

She stated that:  ”A nation’s success is largely dependent on the quality of her leaders. It is not enough to have good leadership only at the top but every cadre and strata must exhibit good leadership skills. We as an organization will not stop training leaders as we believe this is pivotal to the much anticipated change that our nation expects”.

Bamigbade further said the forum will move round several other states in Nigeria in 2024 and that it will continue to be a free training for those who desire to build their leadership skills.

She encouraged all intending leaders, heads of organisations, government parastatals and anyone who so desires to be on a look out to attend and also send delegations as spaces are usually limited and intending attendees would be required to register upfront online when the time comes.