Elders Abuse Awareness Day: FG cautions against maltreatment, neglect of elderly men, women

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation has cautioned Nigerians against the maltreatment and neglect of elderly men and women in different parts of the country.

Speaking Saturday in Abuja, during the commemoration of the 2024 International World Elders Abuse Awareness (WEAAD) Day, the Permanent Secretary of the ministry, Mr Muyiwa Abel Enitan, who was represented by the Director of Legal Services, Barr. Garba Haganawega, said that elderly abuse is one of the biggest issues facing senior citizens in Nigeria and around the world.

He lamented that, despite the high number of abuse of older persons, it is rarely reported in the media, adding that one in six persons experience abuse in different dorms, including neglect, violence and exploitation, among others.

He said: “International Days are occasions to mobilize, educate and create awareness to the public on issues of concern in order to address global problems. The existence of International Days predates the establishment of the United Nations; however, the UN embraced them, being a powerful tool for advocacy and awareness creation.

“The theme for the celebration is; “Prioritizing Dignity, Safety, and Wellbeing for Older Survivors of All Identities”. This theme aligns with the efforts the last administration made by the establishment of a National Senior Citizens Centre, who in carrying out its functions is developing and implementing productive activities and work schemes for Senior Citizens in the country.

“This is with the hope of bringing a paradigm shift in the affairs of older persons while the implementation of the National Policy on Ageing will serve as a framework in order to drive the process of mainstreaming emerging issues concerning older persons, most especially the issue of elder abuse in the country. This, I believe will improve the quality of life of our elderly population and provide them with a sense of security, healthy living and worthiness.

“Furthermore, each International day, offers us the opportunity to organize activities to create awareness to awaken the consciousness of both Government and individuals to recognize and appreciate the problems of elderly abuse and for countries to create policies that would foster respect for elders who also contribute in the socio-economic development of the country. It is estimated that, approximately 1 in 6 persons experience abuse. (Hourglass 2020).

“In Nigeria, despite the high number of abuse of older persons, it is rarely reported in the media where information is mostly accessed. Research has it that, elderly abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation is one of the biggest issues facing Senior Citizens around the World.

“This commemoration is expected to provide updates on closing the circle, taking into account “policies” through relevant outcomes of the fourth review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) “universal laws” and how a legally binding instrument can provide standards to prevent and combat elder abuse; as well as updates on the implementation of the five priorities of the Decade to tackle the abuse of older people through “evidence-based” gap maps, population based surveys and cost-effective solutions.

“I call on all partners, NGOs and the private sector to continue to support older persons as the active agents of societal development in order to achieve true transformative, inclusive and sustainable development. I believe that by our efforts in creating awareness, our elderly population will recover from and adjust to the change in their situation.”

Also speaking, the Director General of the National Senior Citizens Centre (NSCC), Dr Emem Omokaro, said that old age is a blessing and that the elderly should be cared for, instead of being regarded as witches and wizards by ignorant Nigerians.

“Elderly abuse is increasing in Nigeria because of the perception of dementia and conflicting it with witchcraft because they have lost their memories. Therefore, today is the day to rally the world and different stakeholders in Nigeria to understand the issue and provide education regarding abuse of older persons. We have to empower elderly persons, because poverty is also a contributor to abuse.

“It is saddening that elder abuse occur within families and perpetrators still have the opportunity to continue doing it and preventing the elder from speaking up. This makes them to be depressed, morose and losing the will to live. So, NSCC is working with stakeholders like NAPTIP and others to empower elderly persons. Old age is a celebration and not a curse. Everyone wants to grow old and that’s why we celebrate birthdays. So, we should do everything possible to celebrate older persons and not abuse them,” she said.

Blueprint reports that officials of the ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation and NSCC staged a road walk from Federal Secretariat to Unity Fountain to create awareness on the day and sensitize Nigerians.