El-Rufai: The ideal candidate for Tinubu’s performance and delivery unit

Nigeria stands at a critical juncture in its development trajectory, requiring effective governance and accelerated progress. In response to this imperative, the creation of the Performance and Delivery/Execution Unit has emerged as a pivotal recommendation from the report submitted to the President by the National Economy Subcommittee of the Policy Advisory Council. Drawing inspiration from successful models in other jurisdictions, the unit aims to enhance implementation capacity, streamline coordination, and foster accountability. 

Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai, a distinguished visionary with a proven track record, renowned for his accomplishments as the Governor of Kaduna State and his prior roles at the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) and Ministry of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), possesses the qualities necessary to lead this unit to transformative governance, driving Nigeria towards unprecedented heights of development as envisioned by President Tinubu’s ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’. These qualities are not just theoretical but have been demonstrated through his real-life achievements and leadership experiences.

El-Rufai’s tenure as the Governor of Kaduna State stands as a testament to his qualities that make him a perfect fit for the Performance and Delivery Unit. Throughout his leadership in Kaduna State, he exhibited unwavering loyalty to his values and an indomitable character that enabled him to navigate complex situations and make bold choices that defied the status quo. His unwavering courage and character were evident in his decision to implement far-reaching reforms in Kaduna State.

Despite facing much opposition and criticism, he embarked on legislative, policy, and institutional reforms that positioned Kaduna State as a premier destination for business in Nigeria. His courage allowed him to make unconventional choices for the state’s economic viability and developmental transformation, which ultimately led to unprecedented growth and investments.

But even before Kaduna, El-Rufai’s exceptional leadership qualities were prominently displayed in his previous roles at the BPE and Ministry of FCT, further underscoring his suitability for the Performance and Delivery Unit. As the Director-General of the BPE, he showcased his first-class problem-solving skills and ability to deliver tangible results within complex economic environments. He led the successful privatization of state-owned enterprises, such as Nigerian Telecommunications Limited (NITEL) and set a standard for privatizations, commercializations and public-private partnerships. His problem-solving skills and strategic acumen were instrumental in promoting economic efficiency and private sector participation, leading to increased productivity, job creation, and improved service delivery.

During his tenure as the Minister of the FCT, El-Rufai initiated and implemented significant reforms that revolutionized the city’s landscape and governance, further exemplifying his qualifications for leading the Performance and Delivery Unit. El-Rufai’s visionary initiatives in urban planning, infrastructure development, and land administration transformed Abuja into a well-planned and vibrant capital city. His ability to navigate bureaucratic challenges and implement transformative changes resulted in enhanced service delivery, efficient land management, and improved quality of life for residents.

El-Rufai’s disciplined execution and result-oriented approach have been consistently demonstrated in his tenure as the Governor of Kaduna State. He has set clear objectives, established performance monitoring mechanisms, and ensured accountability, leading to tangible and measurable impacts in various sectors. Also, his stakeholder coordination skills have been instrumental in driving collective action and achieving enhanced efficiency. His ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders, both within and outside the government, has fostered collaboration and synergy, resulting in accelerated development and increased investor confidence.

Central to the success of the Performance and Delivery Unit, as suggested by the council is the appointment of an exceptional leader with strong implementation capabilities, operating at a Cabinet Minister level. This leader, supported by a team comprising individuals from the private and public sectors, should possess relevant core experience and a proven track record in delivering strategic transformation projects.

Nasir El-Rufai exemplifies the caliber of leadership required for this role. With his extensive experience as the Governor of Kaduna State and his diverse background in the public and private sectors, El-Rufai has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities. His ability to navigate complex challenges, engage stakeholders, and drive transformative change positions him as an ideal candidate to lead the Performance and Delivery Unit. By harnessing his strategic vision and implementation expertise, Nigeria can effectively address obstacles, unlock its potential, and achieve sustainable development outcomes.

The Performance and Delivery Unit ought to have a direct reporting line to the President, enabling swift decision-making, effective problem-solving, and seamless progress tracking, as advised by the policy advisory council. This direct channel of communication reflects El-rufai’s ideal working environment as it facilitates prompt resolution of issues, clear roadblock removal, and proactive response to challenges. Hence, nothing but the best should be expected of his leadership of the unit. 

Additionally, a clear roadmap and workplan, accompanied by a defined implementation framework are crucial for the success of the Performance and Delivery Unit. This framework provides a strategic direction, enables effective monitoring, and ensures alignment with government priorities and aspirations, the report implied.

Nasir El-Rufai’s implementation approach in Kaduna State serves as a testament to his proficiency in articulating clear roadmaps and workplans. Through setting specific targets, establishing robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks, and employing data-driven approaches, El-Rufai created a culture of accountability and transparency. His ability as a governor to erect and manage an efficient delivery system that defines deliverables, track progress, and adapt strategies accordingly positions him as an exceptional leader for the Performance and Delivery Unit, ensuring optimal utilization of resources and timely achievement of desired outcomes.

Moreover, to drive transformative change, the Performance and Delivery Unit must be nimble and possess a sectoral focus on the implementation of government priorities. By honing in on key sectors such as Finance and Economy, Agriculture, Human Capital, Housing, Energy (Oil & Gas and Power), the unit can deploy targeted efforts, enhance efficiency, and expedite progress, the report advised.

El-Rufai’s sectoral focus on priority areas in Kaduna State as he has done with policy councils on human capital development, infrastructure development, Institutional Development and Economic Development showcases his understanding of the importance of targeted implementation. By aligning resources, strategies, and stakeholder engagement to specific sectors, he facilitated efficient execution, leading to tangible outcomes and sustainable development. El-Rufai’s expertise in navigating diverse sectors positions him as a leader capable of delivering sector-specific results while maintaining the overall vision of transformative governance.

Accountability and discipline are essential in executing government policies and programs. The Performance and Delivery Unit must establish severe consequences for failing to meet implementation objectives and deliver within agreed timelines, implied the report. This approach fosters a culture of discipline, ensures commitment to targets, and maximizes the unit’s efficiency.

El-Rufai’s tenure in Kaduna State demonstrated his commitment to consequence management and performance evaluation. By holding individuals and institutions accountable, El-Rufai instilled a sense of discipline, driving excellence in execution. Additionally, his emphasis on independent impact assessments and performance evaluation ensured transparency, continuous improvement, and verifiable results. El-Rufai’s unwavering dedication to consequence management aligns perfectly with the ethos of the Performance and Delivery Unit.

To build public trust and broaden the reach of government programs, effective communication and impact assessment are paramount. The Performance and Delivery Unit should leverage various communication channels to promptly and frequently communicate the impact of strategic initiatives, the report suggested. Regular reports, verifiable by independent organizations, will bolster credibility and promote transparency. 

El-Rufai’s adeptness in communication and impact assessment is evident in his efforts as the Governor of Kaduna State. By promptly sharing the impact of strategic initiatives, engaging with the public, and collaborating with independent organizations, he established credibility and fostered trust. El-Rufai’s ability to effectively communicate the unit’s achievements will amplify its impact, garner public support, and ensure accountability.

Essentially, the imperative of establishing the Presidential Performance and Delivery Unit cannot be overemphasized. And Nasir El-Rufai’s exceptional qualities, exemplified through his achievements as the Governor of Kaduna State and his prior roles at the BPE and Ministry of FCT, make him the epitome of a leader for Nigeria’s Performance and Delivery Unit. His unwavering loyalty to values, courage, problem-solving skills, disciplined execution, and stakeholder coordination have been proven in real-life scenarios. 

With El-Rufai at the helm, the Presidential Performance and Delivery Unit can drive transformative change, deliver efficient execution, and propel Nigeria towards a future of unprecedented growth and development. For the efficient execution of complex reforms in sectors like power, infrastructure, Land and the Civil Service (including the implementation of reports like the Oronsaye Report), the appointment of El-Rufai to this crucial role is strongly advised and will undoubtedly be a catalyst for Nigeria’s progress and prosperity in the era of ‘Renewed Hope’.

Abdulhaleem Ishaq Ringim writes from Zaria, Kaduna state via [email protected]