Eid el Kabir: NAWOJ felicitates with Muslim faithful

The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists NAWOJ felicitates with Muslims faithful on this year’s Eid el Kabir celebration.

The Association in a press statement signed by the 

NAWOJ National Chairperson, Aisha Ibrahim, and National Secretary, Wasilah Ladan, called on Muslims faithful to emulate and reflect on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W such as patience, unconditional love for fellow humans and giving out charity especially in this current economy situation Nigerians are in.

NAWOJ urged Nigerians, especially qomen journalists, to acknowledge the values of sacrifice, love, tolerance, harmony and extending a helping hand to the needy,saying practising these deeds will bring succour to the economic hardship we are facing.

They added that it was time for all Nigerians to put hands on decks for the betterment of the country, while calling on the concerned authorities to do the needful in bringing down the price of daily commodities as this country is facing high price of foodstuffs.

“While we celebrate Eid el Kabir, may Allah SWA grant us eternal peace and tranquility,” the prayed.

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