eHealth Africa affirms over 9m doses of vaccines delivered through solution analysis

The Executive Director of ehealth Africa , Atef Fawaz has affirmed that more than 9 million doses of vaccines that have been delivered by its solution analysis across the country which is something that has never been done before.

Fawaz noted this in Abuja at the 2023 Insight Learning Forum organised by Ehealth Africa stating that most of it solutions are all driven by an analysis of the need of what the problem is.

He said they have proved that by running the project in Kano ,Bauchi , Zamfara and the programme is currently still running in Sokoto state and they delivered to basically all the health facilities.

He explained that they identify a problem and work around solving it particularly the vaccine delivery solution which was developed to make sure that no one is left unvaccinated due to logistical challenges.

In his words “We all know the challenges in the whole nation when it comes to logistics, especially in very remote areas and the solution was developed to make sure that vaccines can reach everywhere at the same time adding that the solution focused alot on accountability and transparency.

“So, everyone could see at a point in time where the vaccines were picked from, and where were they delivered, so it’s a full system that allows monitoring of stocks, request of new stocks, and making sure that vaccines are delivered to very remote areas.

Also, the Senior Manager, Software Engineering in Software Engineering Global Health Informatics Units,ehealth Africa,Jamil Galadanci explained that Nigeria was reported the highest zero dose of children in the entire world and that’s the reason why they invented the logistic management information system to improve the delivery and management of those vaccines in our health facilities.

“I would say there was clearly a very high improvement that we recorded at 86 percentage improvement in the zero dose as compared to when we started the lomis so in general, I would say the participation was quite excellent beyond what we targeted,” He said.

Also, Director of Pharmaceutical services and also the state Logistics Officer for the State Primary Health Care Development Agency in Sokoto,Pharmacist Murtala Bello said the meeting is very important to them because it’s a learning forum where ” we hear from people who have been implementing different digital solutions towards improving healthcare delivery in the country”.