Eaglets’ keepers excites Amadi

Emeka Amadi, Golden Eaglets’ German-trained goalkeeper coach, has thumbed-up the lads under his watch as the U-17 national team’s screening is gradually drawing to an end.

Amadi was applauded far and wide after Dele Alampasu was crowned as the Best Goalkeeper at the last FIFA U-17 World Cup in the UAE.
Also a fortnight ago, he added another feather to his growing profile with the choice of new recruit; Benjamin Amos as the Best Goalkeeper at the recently concluded WAFU B Tournament in Togo.

“So far, so good. We already have two goalkeepers in camp, Amos and Femi Idowu, but altogether, we have a pool of seven goalkeepers which we are looking at closely but altogether, we have a pool of seven goalkeepers which we are looking at closely.At this stage the last time, we were in dire situation because most of the goalkeepers that came forward were not up to standard but I’m very impressed with the ones we have now,” said Amadi, the former youth international famous for his heroics at the 1989 FIFA U-20 World Cup Finals where Nigeria came second.
Amadi who took time during the off season to update his knowledge at German top side, Hannover 96, said the contribution of a goalkeeper to the overall success of a team cannot be over-emphasised.

He noted that dynamics of the game had reached a stage whereby the goalkeeper is as good as any outfield player, adding it was his prerogative to train the goalkeepers to world standard.

“Education and training at any level is a continuous process. I was at Hannover’96 during the break and it was a good opportunity to learn new things which ultimately, I would pass on to our new goalkeepers,” noted Amadi, a former Montessori teacher

Meanwhile, Amadi has again stated matter-of-factly that no player had
to pay a dime to make the new Golden Eaglets, advising parents and
guardians to be wary of unscrupulous elements who might want to take
undue advantage of their youngsters.

“Nobody is asking for a kobo from anybody and the players here can
bear us witness that there is no under the table deal. Once again, we are appealing to parents and guardians to ignore anyone persons asking them to pay before bringing their wards forward for the screening,” he said.