Diri charges BYSIEC on credible LG poll



Bayelsa state governor, Senator Douye Diri, has tasked members of the Bayelsa State Independent Electoral Commission (BYSIEC) to conduct credible local government election that will be a reference point in Nigeria.

The governor also urged the commission to exercise its independence.

Governor Diri gave the charge on Wednesday when he swore in chairman and members of the commission and that of the Bayelsa State Civil Service Commission.

Also sworn in were the state’s Auditor-General, his local government counterpart as well as a member of the Judicial Service Commission. The ceremony took place at the Government House in Yenagoa.

The governor in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Daniel Alabrah, said the appointments were based on merit and the individuals’ track record of achievements. 

He said he had no doubt that with the appointees’ wealth of experience, they would add value to the government and people of the state and charged them to operate in line with their oaths of office.

The governor tasked the Civil Service Commission to bring credibility to the service and spur workers on, saying its immediate task was to ensure the emergence of permanent secretaries according to the rules.

“For the state Auditor-General, you have been on this beat for some time. Your confirmation today shows that you have done well. We hope you will not renege on what you had done before,” he said.

The new chairman of the Civil Service Commission is Mr. Perekiye Buruboyefe while the members are Dr. (Mrs) Victoria Abbah Tekenah, Victor Ovie-Izibe, Barr Mirin Johnson and Chief Franco Ayibadomo Samson.

The immediate past chairman of the civil service commission, Dr Peter Singabele, now heads BYSIEC while Dr Elliot Augustus Osomu and Dr. (Mrs) Mary John are members.

Mr. Tarimotimi  Dounana was also sworn in as Auditor General of the state and Mrs Fagha Henry Prenanagha as Auditor General of Local Government while  Amb. Ogidi-Oke Ayibakuro was sworn in as member of the State Judicial Service Commission.