Depending on men to pay your bills waste of time, Sufficient Antia warns girls

says am not prepared to lose my morals

Whiskey Mistress dancer and Computer Engineering student at Daben Polytechnics, Sufficient Antia better known as ‘Sun Fire’ has warned girls desist from waiting for men to take care of them, saying that depending on men to pay their bills as a woman, is a waste of time.

She also revealed how she has declined a series of offers, some as much 500,000 from a guy who wanted her, adding that she is not willing to compromise her morals.

The 22-year-old disclosed this in a chat with Journalists in Abuja.
“Depending on a guy to pay your bills is a waste of time, because you can work hard and make your own money,” she said.

According to her, “Girls should be smarter because any lady that is depending on a man right now is not being sensible because at some point your parents get tired of you taking care of you, so imagine a man that is not even your family member, he would get tired at some point because no one likes a liability.

“Some girls are lucky, maybe just 1% are that lucky. So at some point, the man would get tired and for girls that want to work, you better start now because, no matter how young or old you are, you can always make something of yourself”.

“Being the last born in my house, I didn’t feel like there was a time that I would have to work because my father was very rich before he died and when a misunderstanding came up in my family that I knew that I will have to work before I can eat.”

Speaking on her career, she stated that, “Right now, I am not trying to convince anybody because everyone has their perception of Nightlife. When I started working with Whiskey Mistress, my style of dressing, most said I was into hook-up because they believe I am single and that nightlife makes it easy to sleep around.

“Not that offers are not coming from guys like those who want to sleep with you.
“you see people that want to pay #500,000, 300,000 or more, but it is about you knowing what you want to do with your life.”

She explained that if you start exchanging your body for money, for how long would you continue to do ?

“I have turned down many offers, especially when you check your account balance and you are seeing fifty thousand naira (#50,000) and someone is offering you five hundred thousand naira(500,000) it is hard to turn down, but first Nigeria is not safe and secondly how many men will you sleep with? and once you start you can’t stop.”

On her education, she said despite being on a 30 percent scholarship, she has to work to take care of herself and her siblings.

“Working and schooling at the same time is very hard though, coming from work, to school and from school is stressful, but at some point, my body system needs to adapt. Now am seeing it as a daily routine and keeping my CGPA grade on 3.5 if not they might withdraw their scholarship,” she said.

She, however, described her employer, Mrs. Adeke Isi Adeeko as a role model and wants to be like her.
“My boss is like a role model I want to be like her because she’s very composed. When I started working with her whiskey, the first day I saw her I was like wow because she’s too composed like the way she moves, the way she talks, and everything. She’s a role model to me and I just want to be everything like her,” she said.