Delta Security Council summons prisons boss

By Amaechi Okwara

Worried by the alleged involvement of prison inmates who mastermind crime through telephones, the Delta state Security Council yesterday ordered the state Comptroller of Prisons to appear before it.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, who stated this in Asaba, the state capital, said the issue of prisoners using telephones to give directives to their gang had come to the knowledge of members of the state security council which had led to the invitation of the Comptroller of Prisons.
He said: “I got to know about the situation about a week ago, I had to find out from the Commissioner of Police and he has confirmed that some kidnappings which has occurred was controlled by some individuals in the prison and we intend to invite the controller of Prisons in our next security meeting because we need to know why that is happening and why it is being allowed because it is a very dangerous trend and it is not the best for our security.”
He said his administration does not handle the issue of security with kid gloves, adding that on assumption of office he inaugurated a 41-member Delta State Peace Building and Advisory Council comprising men and women of proven integrity and exemplary character.

He said: “And has been very active in working to implement policies and programmes to increase public safety in Delta state, our strategy is to strengthen, sustain and create the institutions and structures that enable peaceful co-existence among diverse ethnic groups and communities; we are committed to seeing that our cities, towns and communities become places where people feel safe to work, live and do business.”
“Currently, an Advocacy Peace Committee headed by His Excellency, the deputy governor, has been traversing the length and breadth of our riverine communities holding talks with traditional rulers, community and youth leaders on the need for peace in the region; we are confident of positive outcomes from these interactions.”