Delegates in endless search for food

Many delegates yesterday and the day before it continued the second session of the conference without food as the operators of the Kitchen dismissed the people and told them there was no food.
Blueprint gathered from the Transcorp Hilton authorities vested with the responsibility of providing the food that only 400 portions were provided leaving more than 92 delegates, media practitioners, security and the technical department out of consideration.

Our reporter further gathered that the secretariat led by Mrs Valerie Azinge could not pay enough money  to the food company to supply enough food for all segments of people at the conference.
One of the officials of the Transcorp Hilton who spoke to our reporter stated that if the secretariat paid for 600 portions, the food would have gone round.
The source recalled that at the inauguration day, over 700 portions were provided and it went round the people that were in attendance, wondering why the secretariat could not provide the same number.