Defence minister reassures of FG’s determination to tackle insecurity

Minister of Defence Mohammed Badaru Abubakar has reassured the nation of the federal government’s determination to contain security challenges afflicting the country.

 He said as defence minister, he was committed to tackling the security challenges in the country.

The minister stated this when he received a delegation from Jigawa state led by Governor Umar Namadi, who paid him a courtesy visit in his office at the Ship House in Abuja.

Speaking on the state of insecurity in the country, the minister said that though the task before the ministry was enormous, defence ministers were determined to surmount the challenges.

He said he was overwhelmed with the gesture of solidarity, prayer and well wishes extended to him, saying that it would spur him to do more for the nation and humanity.

In his remarks, the Governor Namadi, said the purpose of the visit was to honour, pray and congratulate their illustrious son, who was appointed as the Minister of Defence by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Namadi described the minister as a man with a large heart and a successful administrator, saying that he achieved a lot as governor.

“As a former Governor of Jigawa, he achieved a lot in the state and I believe he will replicate such a feat as minister of defence,” he said.

Among the dignitaries were, the Honourable Speaker of Jigawa State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Haruna Dangyatin, Deputy Speaker, Hon Sani Abubakar, Secretary to Jigawa state Government, Alhaji Bala Mamsa, Chief of Staff to the Governor of Jigawa State, Senator Mustapha Kiyawa, the Emir of Hadeja and Chairman, Jigawa state Council of ChiefsHis Royal Highness Alhaji Adamu Maje, Commissioners of the Jigawa state Government, members of the Jigawa state House of Assembly among others.

Highlights of the visit was the presentation of a congratulatory card by the leader of the delegation, Governor Umar Namadi which signified their love and solidarity to the minister.