Dalung inaugurates reconciliation committee to end NFF crisis

In a bid to finally resolve lingering crisis bedeviling the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Barrister Solomon Dalung, has set up a 6-man Elders Stakeholders Reconciliation Committee.
The Committee was inaugurated following a decision taken at the Stakeholders Roundtable on Governance Challenges of the NFF held on July 24, 2018.
The inauguration of the Committee is also coming as a follow up to the last Thursday special NFF Congress held in Benin, Edo state capital, wherein among other resolutions football stakeholders decided to lift ban placed on Barrister Chris Giwa and his group who have been in power tussle with the AmajuPinnicled group over the NFF leadership since the NFF parallel elections conducted in 2014.
At the Benin NFF Congress, Giwa and his group were directed to withdraw all court cases slammed on Pinnic and his colleagues as a condition for the ban to be lifted.
Dalung while setting up the reconciliation committee noted that the lingering crisis in the NFF has impeded the desired growth and development of football in the country, adding that except personal interests were set aside, the crisis will continue unabated.
“Unless we put aside our parochial interests and differences and work towards the common goal of combating the evil plaguing Nigerian football, it will continue its free fall.
This, any responsible government will not allow, hence the need for this committee of Dalung inaugurates reconciliation committee to end NFF crisis distinguished elders.” Barrister Dalung also charged the members “to identify the causes of the current leadership crisis in the NFF, evaluate the dimensions of the leadership crisis and the contribution of actors to the issue, invite both boards of the two factions to the reconciliation table with a view to addressing their concerns towards achieving a sustainable and win-win solution to the crisis and make recommendations to ensure smooth leadership succession without adversely affecting the development and management of football in Nigeria.” Kenya athletes leaving for their country after emerging overall champions Otubanjo The Committee which was given two weeks to submit its report has a former NFA President Col Abdulmumini Aminu as its Chairman.
Other members are former Presidents Alhaji Ibrahim Galadima and Anthony Kojo Williams, Prof.
OnyeGyd- Wado, Dr Sam SamJaja, and Mr Bolaji OjoOba.
A Secretariat to provide proper documentation of all activities of the Committee comprises Mr Danjuma Muhammed Ag.
Dir, Legal Services, Stanley Okebugwu and Reuben Tiyatiye.