D-8, agric ministry to partner on food production summit  

In an effort to tackle the challenges of food insecurity in the country, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari, has expressed the ministry’s readiness to host the Organisation for Economic Cooperation (D-8) summit on agriculture in 2024.

The minister gave the assurance during a courtesy visit led by the Secretary General of D8 countries in Africa, Ambassador Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam recently in Abuja.

He said the essence of the partnership was to deliberate and proffer solutions to the challenges threatening food insecurity in Nigeria, pointing out that the issue of Climate Smart Agriculture was something everyone must adapt to and embrace.

The Minister noted that in the 1960’s Nigeria’s population was less than 30 million, noting that by 2050 the population would have risen to about 400 million. According to him, it was worrisome stressing that it would be a huge challenge for the country and generation yet unborn.

In his words, “The land is no longer there or might be reduced due to the effect of climate change, insecurity among other issues”.

He therefore revealed that with the proposed summit, Nigeria would be able to acquire experiences from other countries to tackle issues of food insecurity.

Earlier, the Secretary-General, D-8 organisation, Ambassador Isiaka Abdulqadir Imam said the D-8 is an organisation for economic cooperation among member countries which include; Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkiye.

He therefore urged ministry and Nigerians to key in for collaboration and cooperation.

D-8 organisation was established on June 15, 1997 with its secretariat based in Istanbul and was announced officially through the Istanbul Declaration of Summit of Heads of State/Government.

Its objectives include; to improve member states’ position in the global economy, diversify and create new opportunities in trade relations amongst others.