CSOs pass vote of confidence on Bawa, hail EFCC giant strides

Coalition of anti-corruption groups under the auspices of Civil Society Alliance for Eradication of Corruption (CSAEC) in Nigeria have passed a vote of confidence on the leadership of the Economic Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) led by Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa.

The coalition said it reached the decision due to Bawa’s genuine desire to transform the Commission “which has recorded unprecedented success especially in the numbers of conviction recorded since the creation of the anti-graft agency.”

The group in a statement signed by its Convener, Comrade Nelson Ossaieze, and four others, made available to newsmen in Abuja, cautioned that “Nigerians will no longer condole the shenanigans of the fifth columnists masquerading as citizens in their unpatriotic smear campaigns and protests against the anti-corruption agency boss.

According to the statement, “the CSAEC is made up of various ànti-corruption bodies painstakingly monitoring the activities of numerous anti-graft agencies to ensure efficient service delivery by the agencies. We are bold to condemn in clear terms those calling for the removal of Mr Bawa over what is not his fault as enemies of Nigeria who do not mean well for the country.

“We have followed Mr Bawa since he became the chairman of the Commission, his zeal and passion for his job to stamp out corruption is unrivalled.

“Look at the number of convictions recorded under his watch”, Ossaieze said. Why is it that we don’t like those ready to serve this country with their heart?

“With this avalanche of successful track record of securing convictions in 3,785 and counting, have recovered stolen public money running in billions from those criminals who have sworn to steal this country dry.

“We are thus shocked at the unpopular demand of some fifth columnist and paid agents calling for the sack of the EFCC boss over issues that didn’t directly concern him”.

“We advise these negative elements to channel their demands to court instead of calling for Bawa’s removal from office.

“We reiterate that the fight against corruption has never been this successful without noise making or what we call media trials of alleged offenders, all the feat recorded was because a dedicated anti-graft Czar is leading the fight against looters.”

The statement added that; “We are concerned about and have followed how our public officers expend public funds and usually call for accountability. We view the recent calls against Bawa as anti progress and unnecessary, diversionary and hereby Pass a vote of confidence on Abdulrasheed Bawa, the Chairman of Economic Financial Crimes Commission to continue his courageous good work and we awaits the Commission to open the cases of those in authority protected by immunity as they exit from office, should be invited for prosecution to serve as deterrents for others as the law is no respecter of any man.

“A change in leadership now will truncate the numerous investigations that have reached advanced stage only waiting for those with immunity to be stripped of their immunity and come to answer questions with the sole aim of recovering looted funds.

“We noticed that the looted funds will no doubt be useful to kick start the incoming new government that doesn’t need to go borrowing as usual.

“We call on President Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan , Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon.Femi Gbajabiamila the Inspector General of Police, the UN, UK, US Embassies to disregard these elements so as to ensure that we recover our looted funds stacked abroad, Nigeria must sustain the current tempo and not think of removing the EFCC Chairman.

“We view those calling for his removal as the real enemies of the country and should not be allowed at this point in our history as a nation.”

The group had submitted petition letters to President Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, the Inspector General of Police, Alkali Baba, the United Nations, United Kingdom and United States Embassies, urging them to “disregard calls by unscrupulous elements for Bawa’s removal.

It said the aim of the EFCC chairman is to ensure looted funds stacked abroad were recovered, and to ensure Nigeria sustain the current tempo in anti-corruption fight.