COVID-19: SON okays Ankara face mask in Cross river state

In furtherance of National efforts at tackling the coronavirus pandemic in Nigeria, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has undertaken a quality assurance of mass production of Ankara barrier masks factory in Cross River state. 

The SON inspection team was led by the Cross River State Coordinator, Michael Ogbuji, accompanied by Mrs. Bassey Duke and Engr. Samson Kolaru.

The Acting Managing Director of CRGF, Mr. Edet Joseph described the factory’s product as double layer composite Masks with inner liner and high tensile strength of the head harness as well as neat sowing finishes.

According to him, the Ankara material being used for the barrier masks is 100% cotton and sourced from neighbouring Abia State. 

The Ag. MD stated that all precautionary safety measures are being observed in the mass production of the re-usable masks with capacity for 100,000 units per day. It can be used for a maximum of 4 weeks, he said. 

Mr. Edet Joseph stated that the company, which commenced operations in 2018, was producing largely for the Cross River State Ministry of Health, which distributes freely throughout the State.

Responding after the tour of the production facility, Mr. Michael Ogbuji on behalf of the SON Director General, Osita Aboloma Esq., commended the company’s management for the initiative in response to the Federal Government’s call for sustainable production in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.